True Love Part 6

859 11 14

2021: y/n, welcome to your tape. That's right. Hannah Baker's secret 14th tape?? You heard it hear first, folks!

Okay, fine. The point of this is... This chapter kind of totally is an absolutely inaccurate representation of mental illness (you know, like 13 Reasons Why and its romanticising and stuff). I did not realize this, because I was a dumb, insensitive kid who knew fuck all about anxiety and all the other mental illnesses.

It does not work the way I say it does in this fic.

I'm trying to do damage control for works from years ago because this is actually harmful and I hope people understand that when they consume pieces of media. Not everything you see on the internet or any kind of media is true. A lot of it is bad content that gives the wrong idea and I'm sorry to have participated in it so long ago.

So, this was the warning. Take care of your mental health, people, and only read this if you want to and can ❤.


"First of all, WE aren't going anywhere. Only Piper, Jason and me, that was our plan but now that won't work." Said Annabeth, thinking furiously for a plan. Suddenly her eyes lit up. "You guys stay here. I'm going to go and fetch Reyna." Said Annabeth and she ran off.

 Piper bit her bottom lip. She was already dreading meeting Reyna and she didn't think meeting her like this was going to be any better. She got up and walked up onto deck waiting for them. . .

 Annabeth rushed down and Reyna who was their praetor was already standing in front. "Praetor, we need your help if you can. Do you know anything about Jason having panic attacks, because if you do-" Annabeth was cut off.

"He's having a panic attack? Frank come with me, please lead the way." Said Reyna, her expression suddenly changed from cold, distant yet slightly expectant, to worried. Annabeth started climbing, followed closely by Reyna and Frank. 

"Has he had any panic attacks before" asked Reyna as they climbed. "Yes he's been having them almost every other day, it started a few months ago. Nothing we tried could calm him in any way." Said Annabeth.

"Of course it wouldn't," said Reyna as they climbed on to the deck. 

Piper saw Annabeth, Reyna and some other Roman climb on to deck and rush down towards where Jason was. Piper went down with them.

Reyna went with the Greeks, she didn't care what anybody else thought, they had her Jason with them and if he was having a panic attack then she needed to get there as fast as possible. The panic attacks get worse if he wasn't calmed during the attack itself. She rushed to his side, his face was pallid and he was shaking uncontrollably. She sat down next to him.

"Jason. Jason look at me, look at me, Jason." Said Reyna, as she turned his face towards her.

"No. . . Rey. . . No, NO," said Jason shaking his head, tears falling onto his lap. Reyna put her arms around his shoulders in a hug and directed his head slowly towards her neck.

"Jason, I'm right here, take a deep breath. It's okay I'm not going anywhere."

Jason automatically relaxed into her hold and took deep breaths, inhaling her scent. He hugged her tightly back, he knew this touch and he didn't ever want to let go. 

Mere seconds after his breathing had relaxed, before she had time to think, she felt his lips pressing against hers. Her lips were warm and Jason finally felt whole again. 

Reyna didn't hold back she was happy again and she was reunited with Jason once more. Nothing could spoil that moment, nothing else mattered, they were together again and that was all they needed to know.

 They were kissing for so long that Piper was afraid they would suffocate. They seemed to have forgotten everything else. Piper had given up already on Jason but seeing this, it made her sad all over again. She tried to think about other things like the quest, for instance, but that wasn't exactly a more cheerful topic so she just went back up.

 When Jason and she finally pulled away Jason realized that she had tears rolling down her cheeks. He cupped his hands around her face and used his thumbs to wipe away those tears. He rested his forehead on hers and their breath started mingling again as it had done so many times before. . . 

Frank was a spectator in the intense gaze of blue verses brown. He swore on the river Styx that he would never call Reyna 'ice queen' ever again. He was surprised seeing Reyna, the cold hearted praetor of the legion, like this. He looked away embarrassed. He tried to look at other things but his eyes kept making their way back to Jason and Reyna. . . 

They didn't want to let go of each other now that they were finally together again. They weren't burning with the fierce passion that they had before Jason had left, not that they had changed (they would probably unleash the beast, that is their love soon enough) but now they were together after months of thinking that they had lost the other and now they were just drinking in the fact that they were together again. . . 


A / N : How is it? 

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