Kaylee Moscov~Percabeth

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Hey guys, my name is Kaylee Muscovy and I'm the queen bee here at Meroe High. On my way to Greek history, I bumped into Annabeth. All the boys think she's pretty, but they have never seen true beauty like mine. With my gorgeous electric blue eyes which are totally not contacts, perfect amount of make-up and perfume and my gorgeous blonde locks which are totally not fake. Coming back to the subject of Greek history, the Greek gods and goddesses revealed themselves after something I don't really care about fell or collapsed. Anywho, I plan on pretending to be a daughter of Zeus to get boys to date me. After all I am very pretty and sexy.
"Watch where you're going", said that Anniebell girl.
"Don't you dare talk to me about that don't you know I am a daughter of Zeus, meaning I'm better than you and you should, like, bow before me, like, right now", I was pretty sure she was going to start begging me to forgive her but she just started laughing and walked away. I walked towards my minions to reapply my makeup.
"Did you hear there's this hot new guy who you can totally hook-up with, because who can resist your charm" said Arabella, my second in command. We, the 'Pinkies' are the most popular group in the school all because of me. The sexiest beast in the whole school. I have slept with half the student population, who would believe that I used to be the nerdiest nerd alive.

I walked up to the new guy to see if he was worthy of my attention. And oh my, he was absolutely drool-worthy. I don't drool though because it gives pimples, and I don't want pimples.

I walked up to him," Heyy babe come around to my place at 7pm." I said seductively whiles running my hand on his arm.

"um... no"

I'm confused did I just hear this amazingly hot guy reject me, I have never been rejected and I would never be.

"Why don't I show you around since you're new and all that" I said trying to get him alone then ask him again.

"um...im just here to pick my girlfriend up"

Wait did he just say Girlfriend, I have to be his girlfriend. Like NOW!!

Just then Miss Anniebelle 'Weird' chase came and kissed him on his lips. I furiously pulled her away and smashed my lips on Percy's lips.

I was pushed away after a second with his unbelievably soft lips, by none other than the 'hawt' Percy

"I am the daughter Zeus, god of love and beauty" I shrieked trying to get the upper hand in case they wanted to start a argument with me. however they just laughed in my face.

"Honey, Zeus is the god of the skies and thunder not beauty." Percy said with an awkward hair flip.

"How would you know, huh?" I said trying to save face.

"Well cause we are demigods" And with that they left and I never saw them again.

My social life was ruined and I was treated like an outcast, well until I went to a better school with more hot guys than my old suckish school.

My reign as a beauty queen would be endless!!

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