(17) Starting Tomorrow

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Okay. That was shocking. Michael seemed beyond angry, even for him. Gabriel didn't know him very well, but he could tell that was out of the ordinary for the guy.

To be fair though, Lucifer did kind of deserve it. He definitely crossed a line.

"There is no way we're putting that on the album, Luce," Gabe decided. "It'll cause drama for our brand new group and we'll lose our closest allies. It's not happening."

This only seemed to enrage Lucifer, who in turn stared into Gabe's soul and said, "I do as I please." He walked back to his microphone and signaled for Naomi to start recording.

The music began to play, but it felt so wrong. Sure, Michael overreacted. That didn't really deserve all of this though. "Wait," Gabriel interrupted. "I refuse to do this."

"Then get out of the rehearsal," Naomi sternly replied. "We don't really need you, so you can just go get fatter for all I care. Just go away."

Gabe did as she said. He really hated giving her the satisfaction, but he couldn't stay in that room. To make up for it, he flipped her off as he walked out.

There was nowhere to really go at this time of day. The Hunters were rehearsing and Cas was probably with them. So, he just went back to the hotel room.


As soon as he got there, he flopped, face-first, onto the bed and just lay there for a while. What was the point in doing anything anyway? It's not like it would amount to anything.

He turned to lie on his side, but something caught his eye. The mirror. Without even thinking about what was happening, he dragged himself in front of the reflective surface and just stood there. 

The guy that was staring back sucked. His gut was too big. His arms were all fat and no muscle. His face was too round. All of him sucked. Naomi was right. What did he even think he was doing? Trying to become famous? Yeah, right. No one loves fatties.



Instead of Crowley showing up to rehearsal, like usual, Chuck walked in instead. He seemed unusually... perky? Yeah, that seems like the right word.

"Alright, guys!" he started, clapping his hands. There was even a little spring in his step. "Let's write some kick-ass songs!"

Almost as if she was waiting for her cue, Charlie walked into the room. She, the Winchesters, and Cas all met at the couches for the beginning of the session.

Of course, Chuck had to interrupt. "Wait, wait, wait. Cas, you're a great guy and all." They saw where this was leading. "But, I think it's better if just the guys are here for today. You're welcome back tomorrow!"

He just had to leave that last positive comment at the end. Why was he in such a good mood today?

It didn't matter. Dean was very opposed to this idea. "No," he refused. "Cas is practically one of us. He stays."

"It's fine, really," Cas pleaded Dean. "I'll be okay. Really." He grabbed his stuff and left without another word.

Why did Chuck always have to ruin everything?

Charlie couldn't handle the awkward tension that had built up. "Okay. We should probably get to work."

"Look, I'm just throwing this out there, but I was thinking we could do a song about new people?" Sam suggested. "It's relatable, all three of us definitely have recent experience, and there's plenty of variety. We could do happy, angry, sad, all of the above. I don't know."

As he kept talking, it was clear that he was becoming less and less confident in the idea. By the end, his head was hanging down so his hair would hide his face.

Michael was still in silent brooding mode, so Dean piped up. "That sounds great, Sammy! I'm totally on board."

Michael gave a curt nod in agreement and the process officially began.


Three whole hours later, they finally finished up the lyrics. Everyone agreed to put off actually recording until the next day.

Once Chuck noticed they were packing up, he decided to make an announcement. "I just wanted to let you guys know that the Archangel's album is coming out in two weeks."

Michael, understandably, rolled his eyes, but Sam almost appeared proud.

"I've also got to let you know that the public announcement goes out tomorrow, so starting then, you're not allowed to have any contact with them or people associated with them. It's bad for publicity."

Naturally, everyone was confused. "How is it bad for publicity?" Sam demanded.

"We did a fucking song with them!" 

"Thank the Lord!" (you can guess who said that)

"I understand you're upset," Chuck tried to calm them. "But if they get seen with you, they'll be known for hanging out with you, not as their own group. Okay? Please, don't mess this up."


yeah, yeah, this chapter sucks, but i really just wanted to put something out there since it's been wayyy too long thanks to freaking school. i've been too busy writing papers on hammurabi's code and greek theater. whoops.

also, i did the thing where you get a boyfriend, so that's been taking up time too (not that that's a bad thing at all)

oh and i got injured so i can't even play any of my sports. love that.

but at least i got a chapter out! even though it sucks and is short.

i'm gonna try updating more often, we'll see.

love you all!

that's all for now


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