seven~ afternoon

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"dustin, lucas." i say after a few hours

"it's time. let's go" i finish
they look at me with their eyes wide and nod.

"g-good luck y-y/n" will manages to croak out, he gives a small smile.

i nod starting out the door
"and dinguses,," i begin
"when i come back, please for the love of god be in ONE pierce" i finish, the one i exaggerate.

i walk out and dustin and lucas follow, we put on mouth masks just incase.

"priorities: things we need first 100%?" dustin says about a half a mile down the road

"water. lots. i'm talking we need a shopping cart of bottled water. and food that won't go bad, like beans, rice, soup.. chips but that will last a year or two. maybe even sodas if we're stingy." i say keeping my eyes on the ground around me

"wait wait, how in the hell are we gonna carry a shopping carts worth of water,,, plus other shit.. IN OUR BACKPACKs?" lucas says as he flails his hands a bit.
lucky for him i've already thought about it

"you see, i'm one step ahead. we're gonna take the shopping cart, push it back to mikes, we'll have a shopping cart of water and some food, our backpacks will carry new clothes and personal items,, like shampoo and-" i say

"and tampons?" dustin interupts and chuckles

"...and tampons dustin" i laugh out

time skip, at the shopping district

we made it to the shopping district about 20 minutes later, first we hit the clothing store in the district. we all pick up a few new things and clothes that will fit if we grow. making sure to get lots of clothes, i also make sure to get some cute outfits. we get some shoes, about two pairs each.

then we're at the store. we were lucky the clothing store wasn't filled with demi dogs but we were so sure this time.

"okay guys... we have to be quiet and cautious." lucas says while entering and we both nod in agreements

dustin noisily grabs a shopping cart and we look at him and shh him.

luckily, we didn't hear any dogs coming so we proceeded on our little trip.

lucas goes and gets the water and me and dustin are getting the cans in a different isle... ALONE..

see the cans are smaller, that's a two man job.

we're putting beans into the cart, we put the last can of beans we can find and it's off to the soup isle. so i stand on the front of the cart and push off gliding down the isle but then crashing into a display for ice molds

dustin chuckles and i laugh out loud. dustin grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"that was funny.. y-you're funny" he says with a cheeky grin.

i bite my lip awkwardly and say thankyou.

"make sure you get the spaghettios,, will likes those" i say as i glide my hand down the shelf, pushing the cans of tomato and cHiCkEn NoOdLe SoUp into the cart.

i look over at dustin who has a look of mild discomfort mixed with a tad bit of jealousy on his face.

"why the long face? not a fan of cheese and tomato sauce with pasta rings?" i say picking a can up and reading straight from it.

he laughs quietly

"i guess i'm more of a ravioli man myself" he says

lucas comes flying down the isle with a cart full of water, it rear end our cart which's brings a "come on man" from dustin and a chortle from me.

"i'll be right back you guys. going to get some personal items. you should get yours" i say walking towards the personal care isle.

i pick up a razor, tampons and pads, like 4 shampoos, about 3 deodorants keeping in mind that we would eventually raid other stores, and of course a perfume.
i walk towards the snack section and pick up a few bags of (favorite chip)

then i grab a few drinks and make my way to the electronics.

i pick up a few walkies, a walkman with a pair of headphones and a radio, just incase.

i'm pushing the shit into my bag when i hear a scream about 6 isles away from me. i drop my bag and run to the area i heard it

"dustin??" i yell as i slid into the isle

dustin has a dollop of whip cream on his nose. i sigh from disappointment and embarrassment as they look at me

"i hate you guys" i chuckles and they laugh back

"you think we got everything?" dustin asks

"yeah i think we're good. LETS HEAD OUT!" i yell pointing towards the door.

time skip at the house

we all pour our bags onto the table but me. i don't wanna embarrass myself in front of will.

"so y/n when will we get this bus?" mike asks me

"oh i already have it" i start jingling the keys

"it's right out back"
hey guys! i hope you enjoyed today's chapter! i wanted to talk about something tho! if you see that i've updates yesterday, or recently.. don't comment UPDATE NOW or UPDATEEE because it's stressful and results in messy rushed chapters (like this one) it's really hard to write a 700 word minimum chapter in detail AND having to have to know the chapter context.
i love all of you a lot and i know you guys enjoy reading my stories or else you wouldn't ask me to update,, but you have to understand it makes it harder to write a good chapter..
i really hope you understand! love ya

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