Never Perfect{Princeton Love Story}

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Hi I'm Madilan

I'm basically a nobody. I have only 1 friend barely. Her names Caht. And I guess you can call me a Nerd even tho I failing one class which is math ugh I hate it. I don't have my women parts yet {lol I couldn't really think of what to call it #DontJudgeMe}

I don't think I'm ever going to get them anyway.

But enough about boring old me. This is about him. Jacob.

I've had a crush on him since 2nd grade. Oh yeah I'm in highschool this is my sophomore year barely made it as a freshman. But back to him. Gosh he's so BEAUTIFUL even though he doesn't believe it. We use to be inseparable but I don't really know what happened we hit middle school then I became alone or as the "cool" people call it a Loner

But I guess I don't really care anymore

I just wish he would notice for one last time......

Jacob POV

he would notice me one last time....

"you said something" I turned to Roc and asked him.

"naw man but you know the answer to pg. 12. I'm so lost"

"No Roc I swear I just heard somebody say something I thought you said nobody was home" I looked at him like he was crazy. I know I wasn't the only one who heard that. But all of a sudden I got this strange feeling to talk to.....Madilan.

"MAAAAA" Roc yelled. "AYEEE YOOO BITCHHHH!!!!" he screamed louder. "naww bro if I had said THAT and she was here you would have witnessed the murder of me. I think you just hearing stuff. " "Man whatever" I know I heard something. But I wonder how Madilan is doing.....

The Next Day~~

I walked into my first period early for the 1st time. Usually I go smoke before school but I feel like a whole new me. I walked all the way in and the first person I noticed was Madilan.

I gasped,"Madilan" I didn't realize I was still walking when she looked up I tripped over a desk and fell on my face. Way to start off yo game Jacob. I looked up and saw Madilan standing infront of me giggling with her hand out.

"aha ya need help there?" I was to mesmerize to even take her hand. I instantly popped up and started grinning like an idiot.

"Everbody to your seats now!" the teacher yelled. I didn't even realize that the bell had rang and the class had formed a circle around us. I'm guessing laughing at how I fell but whatever I dont even care about that right now

Madilan POV

WTH why is Jacob talking to me and being so nice.

Durring the whole class period he stared at me and kept trying to talk to me.

It was really weird actually. But like don't get me wrong I loved it but he hasn't talked to me in 3 yrs.


I was walking to my little lunch area that I go to for peace and quiet until I felt a arm wrap around me and pull me else where.

"hey Madilan come sit with me over here today" it was Jacob's smexy ash voice. I almost melted. " uh-umm okay "

"You guys this is Madilan , Madilan these are the guys Chresanto or Roc, Craig or Prod, andddd Ray" Jacob introduced me. " What no special nickname for you?" I asked. "aye aye you see this got it's own nickname....called sexy. Get wit it babe"

" Aye ! Don't call her babe she my babe!" After that Jacob put his arm around my waist. I. Was. Speechless!

"aye aha babe........Madilan? Maddy! What's wrong say something." I really couldn't do anything but just sit there in a daze until Caht ruined it.

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