{Travis} Fluff

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This baby boy deserve better and I want to kill his father so bad.

(Readers pov)

"Travis!" I said as I hugged him.

"The fuck do you want?" He said looking at me. I frowned looking at his bruises.

"Larry or your bitch ass dad?" I asked him as we went to get bandages.

"My dad bitch" he said looking down as I wrapped his arm.

"Hey baby it's okay, we're alone" I said looking at him sweetly.

"Thank you hun" he said as he wrapped his arm around my back hugging me.

"If you want to you can come home with me~" I said while smirking.

"Wait in what way do you mean?" He said looking curious.

"You know to have some alone time~" I said while still smirking.

"Yeah I'm fine with that" he said while smiling that angelic smile only I got to see.


I remember hating him at first cause of what he did to Sal but as I figured out more about him I honestly felt bad for hating him.

But Larry was a big ass mood when he hit Sal in the face.

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