Dam, this backfired.

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of abuse and cursing.

Percy and Leo angst. Happy ending! Yay!

Backstory: Leo and Jason are going to prank Percy.  -blue


"Okay, Jason, I'll film, and you will scare Percy," I say holding up the camera with a thumbs up.

Jason nods and slowly opens the door to the Poseidon Cabin. 

(Just remembered that Jason is... Well, dam this backfired fast)

"We are entering the cabin..."

"Dude, what are you doing?" Jason asks.

"Narrating," I say with a smile, "Now continue on."

Jason gives me a skeptical look and walks up to the son of the sea god's bed. I snicker and zoom in on Percy, who is drooling onto his pillow, his raven hair messier than ever, which I did not know was possible. I quickly draw on his face with a sharpie and back up to film the show.

Jason looks at me and I nod, focussing the camera on the two demigods. The just rising sun shining a light on them through the windows. 

Jason rises above Percy and shakes him, hard. The boy's eyes shoot open, filled with fear and expectancy, and he whispers, "No, not again."

Realization dawns on me and I suck in a breath. Didn't Percy mention a stepfather once? No! Fuck, shit, fuck. Not, Percy too!

Guilt burns inside me, like a wildfire. Jason looks at me with a confused look, but I ignore him and stood there, paralyzed. Fear and guilt swirl through me and I fight off tears and the looming memories clouding my mind. 

 I dig my nails into my hands to bring myself back, but it wasn't working. Come on, Leo! This is about Percy! Not you!

I felt hands wrap around mine. My vision clears and I see Percy, smiling down at me. It reassures me, but I don't miss the look of fear in his sea-green eyes. I smile and pull the hero into a hug which he melts into. When we pull away, we look at each other with reassuring smiles. I wink at him.

Jason clears his throat, interrupting the moment. Percy and I look at each other and burst into laughter. Jason narrows his eyes at us, clearly confused. This, however only makes us laugh harder. "I'm confused."

Percy lets out a chuckle and spreads out his arms, "Come here, bro." 

The pair hug as I stand there awkwardly. Percy gives me a questioning look and I just stare back at him. I jump as Percy's hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me into the hug. I smile and wrap my arms around the two. 

"Group hug!" I shout. 

We pull apart and I burst out laughing at the sight of my poorly drawn mustache and beard on Percy's face. Jason joins me. Percy stands there confused, but soon also has a laughing attack when he sees his face in a mirror. 

I surprised myself. A happy ending. Yay!

Sorry for these short sections. 

Thank you to those few who read this!


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