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Warning: Minor cussing. One word to be exact.

This is in the space of time when they still think Leo is dead 👍. -blue

Jason POV

Thalia is visiting Camp Half-Blood today!

I slide on my black-rimmed glasses and leave the Zeus Cabin for breakfast. I head to the Hades Cabin to make sure Nico eats, but when I get there I hear voices. I knock and the door swings open to reveal Will Solace.

(No, I am not implying anything. No smut. Thank you very much 👍.)

"Hey, Jason!" Will says with a nervous smile, "What's up?"

"I was making sure Nico eats breakfast."

Will let's out a nervous chuckle, "That's actually what I am doing."

"Ah." We stand there in a few awkward moments of silence. I rub my neck, "Well, I guess I should go."

"Yeah, uh, bye, Jason!"

"Thanks for checking up on Nico." I walk down the steps of the Hades cabin and see Percy leaving his cabin. Pushing down the feeling of jealousy, I smile and catch up to him, "Hey, Perce!"

Percy rubs his eyes and smiles at me, "Hey, Jason."

I sigh when I notice the dark bags under his sea-green eyes, "Did you get any sleep?'

(Haha, I write this at 2:30 am. Percy and Harry both have green eyes... "Harry you have your Mother's eyes." "Percy you have your Father's eyes." Haha, sry.)

"A few hours..." Percy's face suddenly brightens, "Thalia's coming today!"

I nod in confusion, I didn't know Percy knew her that well, "Yeah, I'm excited."

(Did Jason know though? Hmm...)

Percy nods rapidly. Annabeth suddenly appears at Percy's side.

"Morning, Perce. Hey, Jason!"

"Hey, Annabeth."

"Thals is coming today!" Annabeth says with a bright smile which shocks me, I haven't seen her smile in a while.

"I know!"

My confusion only grows. Annabeth and Percy kiss and go to their separate tables, as do I.

After offering some food to the gods, I sit down, alone, at the Zeus table. Thunk! I look over and see Percy sitting next to me with a plate of blue pancakes. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to anger Zeus," Percy says with a smirk. His face darkens, "No, I just don't want to... uh... be alone."

I nod and ignore the tension in the air. I stare at the boy's blue food. What is it with him and blue food anyway?

"Besides, it's lonely," Percy looks at me with a smile, "I'm trying to make it so the Big Three children can sit together. I already told Nico, so hopefully, he'll join us."

I give Percy a supportive smile and a nod. I see Nico and Will walking up the hill. I smile and keep eating my breakfast of normal-colored pancakes. When I finish, I look around in confusion, Nico never came to sit with us. "Hey, Perce, where's Nico?"

Percy looks up from his plate of food and gazes around the mess hall. A smirk appears on his face, "He's sitting at Apollo table with Will Solace. They'd make a cute couple."

I look over at the Apollo table and suppress a sigh at the sight of the Ghost King sitting next to Will Solace. He's actually eating some food, more than he ate when I made sure he ate. I pinch my thigh to distract myself from the feeling of jealousy that churns inside of me. Will is helping Nico, and you want Nico to get better.

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