Happy Birthday, Percy!

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August 18th! Percy Jackson's birthday! Happy Birthday, Aqua Man! Love you! 


I walked quietly down the beach of Camp Half-Blood. My home.

I felt my bare feet sink into the soft sand. 

I tightly clutched the new watch I was given, to where it slightly dug into my skin.

I stopped and looked out at the small waves drifting back and forth. 

I sat down and leaned my head on my hand. 

I looked down at the watch, it read, 11:59.

I sighed, in a minute my birthday would be over. 

I was sad because it would be a while until a day full of new memories came.

I went over the day's events in my head.

I knew these memories would be with me forever.

I remember the pride on Annabeth's face as she handed me my present.

I remember the kiss and hug we shared.

I remember the hug I got from Rachel.

I remember the beautiful smile on Nico's face.

I remember Leo's bright, contagious, laugh.

I remember the feeling of safety when I was wrapped in my Mom's arms.

I remember the tears in her eyes as she presented me with the cake she made. Blue, of course.

Most of all, I will remember the pure happiness I felt each moment of the day that I was surrounded by the people I love.

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