Part 2:

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"Mommy guess what????" Roxy asked me "what is it now sweetie?!?!" i said but in question "do you remember when i was about 4 years old and i didn't know exactly what a knife can do to me if i put one inside of my mouth?!?!" she asked me yet again then i had the flash-back of when that happened back when my dear sweet little girl was only 4 years old; so i had to go somewhere in a rush then i have left Roxy's older brother Drew and their father in charge of her while i was gone, and guess what just happened next after the gosh damn minute i left????? "Andy is that such a good idea to give your baby sister a knife right now?!?!" Liu asked him with a very worried look on his face and the same tone of voice as well "huh? oh yeah i think so, but only since mama isn't home right now anyways-----i could only hope that she doesn't get hurt!!!!!!" Drew said right back to him. then outta the blue they heard a gagging noise from behind their backs. "what the hell is that noise?!?!?!" Liu asked but Drew just shrugged it off and told his dad "i don't know!" then when they had finally turned around-----& have seen the most horrifying thing ever-----Roxy was almost shoving the whole damn knife down into her throat! "ROXY NO! TAKE IT OUTTA THERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" Drew yelled at his baby sister "YOU MIGHT HURT YOURSELF! GET THAT DARN KNIFE OUTTA YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" Liu shrieked at his daughter even louder then Drew has done: then Roxy finally did take it out from her mouth after she heard them yelling at her. "i'm sorry daddy and big bro....i just wanted to know about what may happen if i tried shoving this in here...." she told the both of them while pointing at her open mouth after the knife very nervously. "OKAY then i forgive you, but what is mama going to say about it when she notices this?!?!" her older brother Drew replied to her but in question as he pointed at the knife which now had small drops of her very own blood on the blade: "yeah i do forgive you too....but anyway i think your mother won't like this anymore then we do!!!!!!" Liu told his daughter: then i happened to come inside and saw my son and husband sitting down right besides Roxy on the couch with a knife sitting right in her lap with little drops of blood on the sharp blade. "Hey what the hell just happened in here? and why on earth is there a bloody knife in Roxy's lap?!?!" i asked them with my arms crossed over my chest "it was my fault mommy, i was pretty curious to know about what might happen if i tried shoving this down!!!!!" my little girl told me while she pointed out at her small knife that just sat in her lap. "and it was a good thing me and papa caught her before she could go any deeper in there, she could've gotten hurt or even worse!!!!!!" my son replied as he told me what happened before; then all three of us heard poor little Roxy beginning to cry because she wondered about if she was in very deep trouble with me or going to be grounded until further notice for what she has done. then i hugged and comforted her quietly while rocking her in my arms gently to calm her down. "Shhhh it's okay sweetie, please don't cry about it....i'm not mad at you or going to ground you for doing something dangerous like this....cause it'll be over my dead body alright?!?!" i told her and she nodded "OKAY mommy i know that, and i think i'm feeling a little better now!!!!!!" Roxy said back to me "and you two should have been watching her very closely like i've told you both to do before i left the house, i am so very disappointed in you guys!!!!!!" i told my son & husband and sounding very disappointed in & still mad at the both of them: "i-it was dad's fault & i didn't know that was going to happen, i swear it on my life mom!!!!!" Drew replied while sounding like he was almost going to start crying pretty soon: "what in the living heck Andy, why are you blaming me for that?!?!" Liu asked him "oh my freaking gosh why did i even marry such an idiot man like you??????? also yeah i guess that it was your fault just for not watching your own daughter like you where told!!!!!!!!" i snarled "Steph please stop, your going to upset Drew & Roxy if you two start fighting right now....and they just cannot deal with it yet either!!!!!!" Evans told me while Roxy was cowering behind her back and she placed her arm on Drew's shoulder.

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