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I sank into the leather seat of the Suburban that was taking Ed and I to a recording studio nearby. Ed was on his phone with big bags under his eyes.

"So..." I mumbled and that caught Ed's attention, causing he to lock his phone and look at me. "What are you planning to do when we get there?"

He smiled. "I have one of my friends coming, and she wants to show me something that she just did. Maybe we can record something? We don't have a producer with us but I know a little bit about working the board."

I nodded and gulped, taking out my own phone; just being with Ed was intimidating, now his friend is coming.

It was about ten more minutes to the recording studio. We were in what seemed like the middle of nowhere in Northern California. Outside there were hills of green and wildflowers; this is always how I pictured Ireland. Across the car I heard Ed sigh and put his phone away, than start looking out the window.

"Is this what Ireland is like?" I asked.

"No, not really. Ireland is more... It has more rolling hills and little villages," he kept staring outside. "Have you been to Ireland?"

"I wish! It looks so beautiful!"

"Yeah, it is. My family used to go there every Christmas to see my grandparents. Some of my best memories are in Ireland."

"Umm... Mr. Sheeran? We are almost at Stardust Studios. I think we will be there in about three minutes," our driver said. She was a woman that looked about my mother's age, and always referred to Ed as "Mr. Sheeran."

"Great, thank you!" Ed smiled and continued looking outside. "Is it raining?"

"Yes, there was a high chance of rain in the forecast today, Mr. Sheeran," the driver replied.

Ed was right! It was starting to rain outside, and a second later it was coming down in buckets: shit! We kept driving, and then the car stopped in front of a brick building that looked no bigger than a McDonalds.

"It's raining really hard, Mr. Sheeran. I-I can go get an umbrella for you," the driver stuttered.

"No thanks, that won't be necessary," Ed responded and turned to me. "Don't move, okay?"

I nodded and felt my stomach churn. Ed got out of the car, with him holding his hoodie over his head, with the arms of the jacket hanging limp on either side of his body. He came around the side of the car and opened my car door.

"Come on," Ed yelled over the sound of the pouring rain. I gulped and got out of the car. He pulled the hoodie over my head too, and we started jogging to the entrance of the building.

All I could think about was how close we were. His shoulder was pressing against mine, and I could hear him breathing heavily. The smell of his aftershave mixed with the smell of the wet pavement and grass mesmerized me. Even though we weren't really being shielded from the rain, I didn't care; I was close to him.

By the time we reached the overhang that started right before the entrance to the building, we were both breathing heavily. His hoodie was drenched and our hair was soaking.

"Th-thank you," I sighed, trying to calm myself down.

"No problem. I don't think I could listen to that lady called me 'Mr. Sheeran' again," he smiled and I laughed, at least I wasn't the only one that thought that. He sighed. "Wow we're drenched! I didn't think it would rain."

"It's okay," I reassured him and started squeezing out my hair.

Ed put his arm around my shoulders, "Let's go in, I'm freezing!"

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