Chapter 40: Heaven Doesn't Know It Has End.

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Kuroko blink twice before being completely conscious. She saw the gate in front of her completely locked up as things around her miraculously got fixed. Wild flowers started to bloom which usually differs in color. From, white, pink, blue, purple, yellow, red almost all the colors of the rainbow. There’s even a weird green flower blooming.

“Seiji-kun?” She uttered as she notice a certain red head standing before her.

What did happened…


In the middle of Kuroko casting the said untold spell, she felt a grip on her arm taking her whole attention. Her sapphire orbs widen seeing the red head seemingly upset of something.


“For pete’s sake Tetsumi! Do you think I could live my life without you?!” At the wrong moment, Her face started heating up as she quickly shrug it off. Thinking it’s not time for such feeling to show up.

Later his hand travel down to her hand as both their hand intertwined slightly. However Akashi’s grip on her hand tightens as he face the gate.

“Missy Miss Hero… Don’t forget that Super Man is a man… so he should be doing the saving thingy…” He uttered irretated as the bluenette giggled.

“Why? Wonder woman also did a lot of heroic things…” She hold his hand firmly as she face the gate.

“So on… let’s do this…”


That was all she remembered.

Until she felt a sting of pain earning down her cheeks as it grow swollen. She look up seeing Akashi furious and all.

“STUPID! ANNOYING! ARROGANT! STUBORN! UGH!” Akashi yelled. Yes, he just slap her and Kagami and Aomine were more than ready to kill him, not until Reo stopped the both of them from doing the rampage or so.

“Eh?” She stood up still holding her cheeks which is painful but later on healed.  Seriously, she was slapped by one of the most powerful creatures in heaven and earth.

“Stupid! You almost killed yourself there!” Akashi uttered facing the bluenette.

“You don’t have to repeat stupid all over and over again!”

“Yes I can! Because you purely stupid!”

“Bakashi SeijuuAho! You’re the one who embrace your death back there!”

They weren’t acting like themselves. They were just different. Which is usual since the others had seen them behave differently with each other. They are just simply like husband and wife.

Akashi sighed somehow accepting defeat as he flick his finger in front of the bluenette’s forehead.

“Ow!” She uttered in sudden pain. However, the red head quickly grab her wrist as he secured him into his arms. By now, Kuroko had notice that he has been holding his tears back. Now, it had ran down his cheeks as he tightens his embrace on the bluenette.

“Just don’t leave me again…” With that a smile was painted on her face as she returned the embrace. Like him, she couldn’t live without him. They just can’t bare things without each other.

“Sei?” Kuroko uttered as she saw a pair of three white wings. Her orbs quickly grew wide as she push the red head away quickly.

“YOUR WINGS! YOUR WINGS!” She continue yelling pointing at the wing as Akashi blink twice. Later a white feather fell before him, making him look at his back.

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