2 | Forced Redemption

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"A failure."

The words hit me like a stone to the head, and I blinked away tears.

"You're a failure," she said, and piercing eyes met mine, an endless dept of fiery rage and disappointment, "that's who you were, that's who you are."

I stumbled back a step forward. No, it couldn't be true. She tilted her head away, dismissing me like the failure she now said I was. But she kept speaking, and her words kept hurting.

"That's all you'll ever be."

I swallowed, my tongue like lead in my mouth. I tried to speak, but there was honestly nothing I could say.


Her eyes met mine, the rage and disappointment fading away, into... into...

A challenge.

"Unless... you're willing to redeem yourself."

A question.

I hardened my face.

An answer.

"Believe it or not, there is still a kingdom here, Champion. A kingdom that wants to be saved."

She walked towards me, pausing mere inches before my face.

"A kingdom that wants it's king back..."

She lifted my chin, running a thumb across my cheek to brush away a tear in a way that felt oddly natural.

"A kingdom that wants a Champion to save them."

I swallowed, and I couldn't take my eyes off her's as their gaze bored into mine. She ran her thumb along the corner of my lips before dropping my head. She walked away towards her sword, and I entered a coughing fit. I reached out a hand, the other stilled balled and covering my mouth.


She grabbed her sword, and I noticed it was a lotshorter than my own, easily fitting into a small sheath at her side.

"Yes, Champion?"

"How?" I lowed my hands, interlocking my fingers near my waist, "how can I save them?"

"Well..." she said, twirling her blade before sliding it into its sheath, "it won't be easy, but I'll make sure you do it in the end." She paused, pinning me with a stare that made my spine straighten. "I will never forgive you for the mistake that cost our way of life, but I will allow you to redeem yourself." She began walking be towards me as she continued, "and you will redeem yourself, mind you. I will make sure of it."

I swallowed, mutely trailing behind her. After a moment of silent walking, I spoke up.

"I-I never got your name, miss."

"'Miss?' Please, Champion," she paused, turning around and offering me a hand, "The name's Meilyn."

I smiled, taking her hand.

"Nice to you, Meilyn... Sorry you had to see me break down back there."

She quirked her lips to the side in a hint of a smile, shaking my hand. It went oddly silent, both of us continuously shaking hands until Meilyn gave me a pointed look.

"This is that part where you introduce yourself, Champion."

"Right! I'm uh..." I let go of her hand, scratching the back of my head, "I don't remember my name." She sighed, mumbling something that sounded like "of course you don't" under her breath before walking again.

"We'll figure something out," she said, waving a hand over her shoulder, "come on, we won't be walking long." I trotted up to her until I could walk at her side.

"Where are we going?" I studied the side of her face, noticing that her ears were pointed, and I ran a hand over my own to see they were pointed as well.

"We're going to Hateno village," she said, turning her head to mine slightly, catching my eye before speaking again.

"It's my home."

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