5 | Ya Hungry?

38 4 0

Their house was lovely.

I entered the door along with Seldon before taking a look around. To my left was a small kitchen and dinning room combined into one small area. Their bedroom was straight ahead, but a small half-wall hid most of it besides a study table and a wardrobe that I guessed they shared. Although the place was small, it looked really homely and lived in.

I wound't mind staying here, to be honest. But with the size and that fact Meilyn was a thing, it likely wouldn't happen.

"Welcome to our home, Beedle," Seldon said, still standing besides the door, "would you like something to eat?"

"Oh, uh..." I didn't know what to say. I couldn't just eat their food, can I? I can't afford to pay them back, it's practically stealing! But if I said no, it would be disrespectful, right? In a panic, I glanced to Meilyn for help. It was a dumb idea, I know. Not like she would h-

"I'd like some," she said, gesturing to me, "you might as well make some for him, too. He hasn't eaten yet."

Seldon nodded, smiling.

"Will do! You two can take a seat."

I glanced to Meilyn in a attempt see if she did that out of her own will or to help me, but she wouldn't meet my eyes. I took a seat, and she sat across from me. We sat in silence, Meilyn looking down and me just awkwardly staring at her as I tried to force myself into speaking. I glanced at Seldon, who was still cooking. Although I didn't know much, maybe I could...

"Would you like some help?" I stood up, walking the short distance to Seldon's side to see how he was doing. Right now, it looked like he was making meat curry, and I noticed he had some spices and rice on the sidelines he could add. He smiled, shrugging.

"I mean, if you think you can, then that would really help me out."

I nodded, slowly helping where I could. Something odd happened that I couldn't explain, but after I while I was doing all the work, Seldon staring in awe and I perfectly cooked and multi-tasked. I made three even portions and slid each across the table to their respective owner's seats. I stood, hands on my hips and I admired my work. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to met Seldon's surprised face.

"This looks amazing, Beedle! Have you cooked before, by chance?"

I grinned, gesturing to the food.

"This is my first time, actually," I shrugged, thinking. "It was weird though, half way through I got some weird kind of...  some short of, like... muscle memory? It felt like I've been cooking all my life."

"Well," he said, gesturing to the food, "it sure looks like you've been doing this all your life." He patted me on the shoulder, grinning. "Best we don't stare until the food goes cold, 'eh? Let's dig in!"

We each took a seat, Seldon next to Meilyn. We starting talking, and, too my delight, I got a lot of grins and chuckles out of Seldon; Meilyn looking down whenever something fairy funny happened, as if to hide a smile.

Seldon had just finished up a belly laugh, myself laughing from it's contagious nature when he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Meilyn!" He said, patting me on the shoulder, "where'd you find this guy? He's amazing!"

"Can you shut up about Beedle?" She moaned, pinching her nose with two fingers, "not everything is about him." She threw her hands up in exasperation, pointed to me soon after, "we just met him!" She turned a skeptical eye on me, sizing me up. "He's filthy, too," she said, gesturing to my clothes before waving a hand towards the door, "head to the shed outback, we'll get you something to wear for now."

Seldon turned a inquisitive glance her way, so she said "he's important, I need him for something."

He shrugged, looking my way.

"Shed's outback, I'll see if I can find you something."

I nodded, walking out the door with a subtle wave goodbye.

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