Chapter 2.

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

It's now 7 am and I'm very tired. I got up and looked in the mirror and saw big black bags under my eyes. Picking up my school uniform, I head to the bathroom. I see my mom sitting on the bed with her hands on her head. I want to go and ask her what's wrong, but I know that she might not want to be disturbed. As I brushed my teeth my brother walked in and brushed his. We were very low on materials lately, were almost out of toothpaste and it seems like there is none anywhere else. On my way downstairs I hear a voice that is talking to my mom. The house smells so good, it always smells good when mom is cooking. I turn the corner by the steps to see my moms Co-worker John.

John has been coming to our house recently and he has been bringing materials for us. I overheard him saying that there was not a lot of materials left and that we are running low on products. Assuming that they heard me come down the steps I take a seat at the table. "Hello Najma, how did you sleep last night?" He asked in his polite voice with his legs crossed. John was always very nice to me and my brother. He was like an uncle to us, bringing us gifts such as artifacts that he finds. "I slept pretty good thanks for asking!" Even though I really didn't, he seemed in a good mood, so did my mom so I lied. "Here is your oatmeal Najma, I put some blueberries in it, the last of the blueberries, so it would have a flavor." We've been eating oatmeal for the last couple of weeks. My suspicion about what has been happening has been bigger than ever. Dakota comes downstairs, sits and eats. John asked Dakota the same question as me, but Dakota gave him no response. "Dakota are you okay?" I asked concerned. "No, I'm not. They canceled all sports and activities for the rest of the year. They said that there low on materials and they can't continue sports. Maybe they are too busy spending their money on random things, like new cars." Mom gives him a look, it's like she's keeping something from us, she wants to say it, but she can't.

Breakfast was pretty silent and then it was time for school. We had to walk to school because mom said that the buses were getting an upgrade. As we stepped out into the what used to be green grass, gray smoke filled the air. "I guess that the power plant must be having problems," mom says with a nervous laugh. We started down the path, which would take around 5 minutes, mom said that if anyone stops us, we should be polite. Dakota wanted to race and I agreed, to try to clear my mind. I let Dakota get a head start because I know that I will pass him. Of course, I passed him, he's a little younger than me and I've been running since the day I could walk. Ever since they canceled track, I have been running this path back and forth, until mom said no more leaving the house until I need to. All of these events are connected to some main event, but I just can't seem to find out what it is. School was just another typical boring day, and now, I'm home.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What will Najma find when she gets home?

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