Chapter 3.

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As I turn off the path I see our house, and there are people there. Why would there be people here? Is there an event I didn't know about? Stepping up the stairs, trying to avoid the broken parts, I open the door. There are people sitting at the dinner table with drinks in their hands. I think I see John and my mom? Dakota notices me and comes and takes me upstairs, he starts to explain what is going on. "So you're telling me that all this time there has been war and I didn't know about it? What in the world!" I said mad but concerned as to what this means for our family. "Najma, I know that this is a lot, but it's okay. We are safe from the war, for now." His voice trails off, I start to head downstairs to see what they are discussing. Mom as usually looks the same as she has looked for a few weeks, concerned and heartbroken. There are people here that I have never seen before, and I know all of my mom's co-workers and friends. What could they possibly be doing here that's so important? Mom pulls me aside and says, "Your brother is entering the war".

The night goes on and I didn't speak to my brother nor my mom. How could she put Dakota into this position? He's only 9 years old, he can't go to war, and I won't let him. Its night time now and I'm in my room thinking about what just happened, thinking about what it's going to be like for Dakota out there, what it's going to be like when he isn't here. I hear knocks on my door, again assuming that this time it's my mom, make me ignore and walk over to my diary. "Dear Diary, this year is already off to a bad start. My brothers going to war, my mom is lying and look very sad all the time, and dad is nowhere to be found. This is just like the time when I was 6 and my dad packed his bags and was leaving, I asked him where he was going and he said to the store. After that, I heard nothing anymore about him. If all doesn't go my way, and Dakota has to go to War, then I don't know what'll do". More knocks hit my door, "Go Away!" I say raged, but somewhat in my head calm. The door opens, "I thought I said go aw...." my voice trails off, it's him, it's my dad. "Get out of my room," I say in a firm straight voice with tears running down my face. "I don't want to see you. Get out!" He stumbles but stays. I start to cry harder than I've ever cried before. "Hello, Najma. Look, I know you might not want to see me, I know I've been gone for 6 years, but I'm back, and I'm here for you. I know that I hurt you and I'm sorry, but we need to work things out. Your mother told me about Dakota, and I'm sorry". Silence comes upon the room, I want to hug him, but I won't. I'm furious. He left, and I went to bed.

Uh Oh. What's gonna happen when she wakes up?? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Continue reading to find out what happens next!

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