Messing up

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Logan propped himself up on his elbows, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He had just been woken up from a wonderful dream by hard knocking on his door, and, frankly, he was quite annoyed.

He glanced over at the clock and groaned - 1:37am. Who in their right mind would be knocking on his door this early in the morning?

Stumbling slightly before standing up, Logan quickly cracked a few of his bones and shuffled grouchily towards his front door. The knocking continued.

Logan opened the door to find... Patton?

It was hard to tell at first. The signature smile was missing from his face, and was replaced by a scared, upset smile, which couldn't compare to the size of his usual cheeky one. The tear stains which lined his cheeks glimmered in the silver moonlight, and his pupils were dilating from fear.

'S-sorry for... for waking you, Logan... heh...' Patton stuttered, his fear evident in his shaking voice and frame, 'I just... didn't know... didn't know where else to go...'

Logan was shocked into silence. What in the Mindpalace had scared Patton so much for him to talk to Logan, and not Roman, who would've been much better at comforting him? Patton shook his head.

'I'm sorry... I-I should... I should go!' He began before turning around and beginning to leave. Logan grabbed his forearm gently, yet firmly.

'No, it's fine, Patton. Would you like to come in?' Logan invited.

'No, thanks, k-kiddo. It's... It's nothing important. I'm fine.'

Logan stayed stern; being stubborn was his best quality and his worst. He refused to let go of Patton's arm until the other sighed, slumping his shoulders. He hadn't even noticed that they were tensed.

'Fine, fine... W-Wow, you convinced me without even s-saying anything...' Patton giggled sadly, still not acting up to his usual standards.

Logan guided Patton inside; he perched himself of the edge of the couch after closing the front door, Patton quickly mimicking his actions on the opposite chair.

'So, Morality,' Logan began, focusing all of his attention on the moral side, who still fidgeted in his seat, 'Do you mind telling me what's bothering you so much?'

Patton heaved out a deep breath, looking anywhere but at Logan. Man, that floor sure looked interesting right now. Struggling to find the words, he eventually spoke:

'Look, kiddo. It's truly nothing. I just... I just had a nightmare, s'all... I can go back to my room now...' Patton trailed off, finally gathering the courage to look at the figurative teacher in the eyes.

...Oh boy.

Logan looked... hurt. Not physically, but it was as if someone had cracked his soul, bit by bit, until his trust was destroyed and the hope lay in a pile of dust. Patton had never seen him look so genuinely distraught.

'Patton... I have known you for so long. Why would you lie to me?' Logan's voice filled the room, although it didn't change in tone. Patton knew a thing or two about hiding emotions, but Logan took it to a whole new level.

'Lo, i-'

'Do not 'Lo' me.'

Patton jumped back slightly, taken off-guard by the sudden change of atmosphere in the room. Logan's voice was sharp and pointed, and raised very slightly in volume.

Logan wasn't one to show his true thoughts often, so moments like these were rare. But, Patton loved the moments when Logan's voice was giggly from amusement, not sharp from anger.

Wow, he really did mess up this time, huh?

(if you have any requests, feel free to comment them, or message me about them!)

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