I know!

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'You wouldn't know the first thing about relationships!' Roman jabbed a finger at Logan, the other growing increasingly frustrated.

It had begun as a simple discussion about how Logan could confess his feelings, but it had soon grown into another of their arguments. No-one had bothered to stop it; Patton would never get involved in another of their disagreements after the incident, although they were directly in the middle of the commons, which was very inconvenient. Virgil hadn't left his room, since he didn't want to be hit in the face with a dictionary again.

'Well, my knowledge on romantic attraction may be limited, but that's not what is important here-' Logan began, using all of his self-control to keep his tone even, and his language civil.

'You might say his amount of knowledge on love is infinitesimal.' Patton murmured underneath his breath, laughing at his own joke, before continuing his baking in the kitchen.

'How is your knowledge on relationships not important in a conversation about relationships?!' Exclaimed Roman, nearly knocking his crown off of his head. He felt the rage simmering inside of him, like he was a ticking time bomb. The fact that he knew he was going to explode, didn't mean he could stop it.

'Because I know Virgil!' Logan shouted, finally snapping and raising his voice, his words sharpening, 'I know that his blankets are weighted because they help calm his anxiety after a nightmare, or a sleepless night! I know that he's secretly a fan of science, and loves things like lava lamps and plasma balls, as well as space!'

Logan felt himself rambling, but he felt powerless to stop himself. Even when he saw the hurt flash across Roman's face, he continued, 'I know that he loves the smell of blueberry muffins, and that's why he always faintly smells like them! I know that he has a collection of sketchbooks which he doodles in, when he's bored or uninspired!'

Logan couldn't stop himself, not even when he noticed the small figure watching from the doorway, 'I know that Virgil truly sees Patton as a father, and you as an older brother! I know that Virgil is willing to do anything to protect us, even putting himself in life-threatening situations!'

Patton felt a smile tug at his lips, as he heard how passionately Logan gushed about Virgil. The youngest was stood around the doorway, watching as well, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks.

Logan's throat felt like sandpaper, and his voice was hoarse from the shouting. He was caught up in a tornado of his own emotions and thoughts, completely drowning out reality. A lump formed in his throat, as he unsuccessfully tried to hold back his sobs, 'And, I know... that, if I could just... If I could just have Virgil... If I could tell him how I feel... I would treat him how he should be treated: ...like a prince.'

Roman stayed in shocked silence as the 'teacher' collapsed in a fit of sobs and tears. Virgil was the first to react, making sure not to make any sudden movements as he approached Logan; the princely side decided to leave for the time being, and would apologise to Logan later, when he wasn't breaking down.

'Logan...' Virgil's soft voice was clear as day in Logan's mind, as he looked up to see the anxious trait smiling at him, 'Thank you.'

'You mustn't thank me, for stating facts.' Logan replied, his voice still shaking as he attempted to compose himself, and revive what he probably saw as lost dignity. Virgil gave a lopsided grin.

'Hey, pencil-pusher, guess what?' Virgil didn't give Logan a chance to reply as he gently lifted Logic's head, and pressed their lips together. Logan took a few moments to realise what was happening, before kissing Virgil back, as he felt the stray tears still running down his face be wiped away by a thumb. Logan smiled against Virgil's lips, until they both heard a picture being taken.

'That's one for the album.' They heard Roman comment, before he was chased around the Mindpalace by two angry nerds.

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