First impressions

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He appeared in the Conscience one day, bruised, beaten, and cut.

At first, Deceit was freaked out. Who the hell was this person? Green and black - no side had a green and black scheme! He looked like that extravagant, frivolous, prince, but... darker. Clothes torn, a black eye, a white streak in his hair, and no logo to be seen.

Deciding to get a more accurate idea, Deceit wandered up to the stranger, masking himself with a menacing attitude. The stranger noticed.

'Deceit, right?' He asked, his voice shaking slightly, and his fingers tangling together.

'That depends. Who are you sssssssupposed to be?' Deceit hissed, dragging out his 's' sound, as he did when he was acting intimidating. The dark prince - Deceit had no idea what to call him, and that sounded accurate enough - hesitated for a while, opening and closing his mouth a few times. Eventually, he burst into tears.

'They don't want me anymore!' He sobbed hysterically, latching onto Deceit's cloak and letting the tears soak into it. Deceit sighed inwardly: he had been a reject, too. He wrapped his arms around the other side comfortingly, doodling small circles onto his back.

'Shh... It's okay... They can't hurt you anymore, you're safe here...' Deceit whispered, before the other laughed.

'Remus. I'm Remus.' Remus muttered into Deceit's shoulder, 'Why did you not hiss just then? Like, when you said "you're safe" and that?' Deceit let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

'I only hiss to be intimidating, or when I feel a negative emotion strongly. You know what the others are like...'

'Why do you- we, need to intimidate them? Can't we just be awful at our jobs?'

Remus pulled back from the hug, a glint of curiosity in his glassy eyes. Although he had stopped crying, tear stains still ran down his cheeks, reflecting in the light. He looked so vulnerable; Deceit wanted to protect him forever.

'Well... A long time ago, when Thomas was but a child, he had broken a toy, which belonged to his brother. Instead of admitting that it was him, he lied, and pushed the blame onto his brother. An argument broke out, and both of them were punished. Since then, Roman has labelled me as a "dark side" - a stupid name, especially for Creativity - and I was outcast.

I was sent to the Conscience, the Mindpalace for "Dark Sides". At one point, I actually had some company here. He abandoned me too, left for the "Light Sides". Look, Remus, it's in the name. "Dark Sides", the "Conscience", I have to be intimidating! What good is a villain, if they're not a threat?'

Deceit finished, his eyes brimming with reluctant tears. Bringing himself to look up, he gasped when Remus lunged at him again, tightly holding him in another hug, nearly knocking him off of his feet.

'What good is a villain, if they don't want to be one?'

(ugh, this was so rushed- here, take your unsatisfying ending and be gone.

also, i'm running low on ideas. any requests are greatly appreciated.)

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