Taking twins home

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"And then finally reality was better than dreams."

We were helped into the car with Anne after I'd recovered enough for the hospital to say I could go.

All the bags and hospital leaflets on help and recovery were stuffed into the boot and I was out of breath with shooting pains from getting into the seat.

Harry ran round the other side where Anne had already installed a second car seat for Baby girl Tomlinson 2, who came miraculously out of the blue.

And then Mary with the help of my Mum brought out the twins, each in a tiny pink onesie with white mittens and socks.

Both were placed into their carrier seats, crying in unison at the change in scene. I ended up crying along with them out of exhaustion.

Once we reached home again, Mum and my whole family were waiting there with balloons and cards. I was so destroyed from lack of sleep and scars that I collapsed onto the sofa after thanking everyone.

Mum sent everyone else home and left Anne and herself to help me and Harry. Harry was exhausted too, I could see the lack of sleep taking toll under his eyes, the usual glint of green looking dulled down.

I pulled him down to me and held him close against my chest, kissing his cheek.

Mum fed the twins for me and Anne made us both tea which we happily gulped down. Anything to bring a little energy was greatly accepted.

They both left after settling the girls down, leaving a silent house and Harry and me to hold each other while trying to catch up with sleep.

Just before I dozed off again I heard him whisper,

"I'm so proud of you."


Poor babies :') so exhausted


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