Kim Seok Jin - Sing for Me

137 2 21

For StAnClCaNdIn2It

please don't be a silent reader!!

Natasha Sohngreih

That was my name. I am confused as to why it's hard to remember for a few.

No seriously that's the whole reason I'm having a very long ranting monologue in my mind.

I'm just minding my own business, when the damn Starbucks worker spells my name backwards.

Who in their right mind gets my name full on backwards.

So yeah, that's my point in society right now. Just about everything is going wrong for me. I didn't end up getting tickets for any of my favorite Idol Group's concerts, and now, god is kicking me in the face.

Real nice divine beings, you wrote in your short plan to poke fun at me. I feel so special.

To make things worse, I burnt my tongue on the way out of the Starbucks. I'm almost certain that the world is against me by now. This is absurd.

Whilst cursing my life, I continue to get spammed by messages from my group chat and sigh. I don't like it, but I deal with it anyways. Shoving my free hand into my pocket, my phone continued to buzz. No matter how many times I put it on Do Not Disturb nothing happens - I've even put it on driving mode that sends them a message for every message. They just reply urgent and keep going.

God, the things I put up with for having good roommate relationships.

Letting out a sigh, I turned to go into the large building next to me which housed my dormitory. It was a nice little place, and because of the quality I didn't mind the slightly higher than normal prices.

The lady at the desk greeted me as I walked by, so I gave a smile and a short "Hello!" And continued to the elevators.

Only to find them out of order.

"Are you kidding me!" I exclaimed loudly before realizing the receptionist was behind me.

"Sorry hun, you'll have to take the stairs this time." She clicked her tongue and took her hand from my shoulder, she had rested it there as a method of comfort, "I'll give you an I.O.U. pass for how many flights you gotta climb."

I.O.U.s were passes for if we break any rules. Self explanatory, but they don't always work for absolutely everything. Heaving a sigh, again, I pushed the door to the stairwell open. My eyes found the beginning of the stairs, slowly, I looked to the very top. It took everything within me not to cry while I walked up.

The irony of how Don't Wanna Cry started playing from my phone reminders made me scream in agony.

"Can you just freaking NOT you crusty dusty excuse of a rectangle?!"

By the time I reached my room, I was panting. I could only imagine others with textbooks beginning their ascent on those stairs to the top floor. It made me shiver.

My coffee cup met my countertop and shared a nice and warm bonding session in my attempt to de stress a little bit. My bag then slid off my arms and met the cold top a bit faster, I couldn't tell whether they got along well or not this time, but seeing as it wasn't being kicked off at the moment I walked further into my dorm.

Pulling out my phone from my pocket I ended up opening my messager app to see what the massive commotion was all about.

Minecraft Girlfriend: GOD HOW DID YOU PAY FOR THOSE??? 4:33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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