Season 8

110 7 25

Deku's POV

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Kacchan and Kirishima. Denki texted me saying that Kacchan might need a hug, and although I'm sure he was joking, I'm seriously considering it. Should I? He must be in a tough place right now. He and Kirishima usually tell each other everything. If I know him well enough, I'd say he's feeling weak; whether he'd like to admit it or not.

Then again, when would Kacchan ever accept a hug from me? Just thinking about it makes me laugh. There's no way he'd do that, no matter how horrible he's feeling.


Before I can stop to think about it, I'm opening the door to the hallway and running up the stairs. I bump into Mineta on the way up. I quickly apologize and dust off his shoes before continuing.

I finally make it to the fourth floor. Kacchan is hunched down on the floor beside Kirishima's room, looking more miserable than I've ever seen him. Uraraka is nearby, murmuring things to him with a smile on her face; probably trying to cheer him. He doesn't respond, nor does he look up at her.

I quietly wave to Uraraka, trying to stay unnoticed by Kacchan. She gives a concerned smile and urges me to come over, which I do. I quietly step by Kacchan, hoping he won't look up at me. He doesn't.

"Is he okay?" I whisper to Uraraka. She shrugs, glancing at Kacchan worriedly.

"I don't think so, Deku," she replies honestly. "He tried his best to help Kiri. I've never seen him so emotional."

I look over my shoulder at Kacchan and observe him. His arms are draped over his knees. His head is down, refusing to look at anything but the wood floor.

A/N: Like This xD BTW hope your injoying! :3

A/N: Like This xD BTW hope your injoying! :3

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"You don't think he's you?" Uraraka asks cautiously. I place a finger over my lips to silence both of us. We step closer to him, listening intently.

"He's talking to himself," Uraraka notes, barely audible. I nod. "I can't tell what he's saying though."

"If only Good Ear were here..." I mutter to myself. Uraraka snorts abruptly, causing both of us to start laughing. Crap, I really hope Kacchan didn't notice--

"Hah? What the hell are you two doing?!" I hear Kacchan shout from behind me. I slowly turn around and come face to face with him. I can feel my expression change from scared to empathetic as I stare at his facial features. His eyes are red and puffy...there's no way he wasn't crying. Not that there's anything wrong with that! It's just...not like him. He must realize that I'm staring at it because he suddenly blushes and pulls his hood over his head. "Stop staring at me like that, stupid Deku! Fucking explain to me what you were doing right beside me!"

I open my mouth to respond but decide against it. Instead, I quickly wrap my arms around him before he can back away. He squirms and begins to shout. He holds his hand up to my face, preparing to explode, but I don't budge. "Get the fuck off of me before I blow up your face, dumbass!" he shouts. I remain still. "You hear me? Or are you deaf now?! I swear to God, I'll--!"

"Kacchan!" I shout, surprisingly making him shut up. "Stop it. Letting someone comfort you when you're going through a hard time won't hurt your ego. Wouldn't Kirishima tell you that?"

I cautiously glance up at his face. He's staring blankly over my head, probably at the wall behind Uraraka. I can tell he's trying hard not to cry. Suddenly, he furrows his eyebrows, his expression nearly unreadable...and he hugs me back?

I feel my heart flutter for a second. It reminds me of the time that Denki and I first kissed...and that makes me feel unbelievably guilty. I need to let go of Kacchan, but what kind of terrible person would I be if I did that? I'm the first person Kacchan's ever hugged, besides Kirishima. I can't just let go because I'm having stupid thoughts. It doesn't mean anything. It's just surprising. That's all!

He slowly lowers his head onto my shoulder, making me shake worriedly. I feel tears drop down my arm.  This all feels like an unexplainably weird dream. Kacchan would never act like this. It's fine, I'll wake up any second now! Things will be back to normal! I'll be studying with Denki in his dorm room. Kacchan and Kirishima will be in the kitchen making everyone miso soup. Everyone will be happy!

I keep waiting for the moment that I'll wake up and find out that I've been drooling on Denki's pillow the whole time.

That moment never comes.

A/N ALALLWALWLALWlAWLLW XDD Hope Your Injoying The Storie So Far Guys!! Soryr This Chapter Is Vary Messy, I Through It Together @ The Last Minet(a) XD Vote For This Chapter If You Understand The Joke :3

Anywayzzzz Thank Chu Four REading >u< I Hope Too Update Again SOoooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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