Part Nine

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Kirishima POV:

I sit on the cold floor my dorm, faint mutters are the only things I can hear from inside the room. Thoughts racing through my head, almost difficult to keep up with em'. Man I'm a mess. I mean why else would most of the people I care about be outside the very door I locked myself in? What got me here in the first place? Oh yea... My love life is tearing at the seems. I mean in a nutshell: I'm falling for my friend while my boyfriend on the other hand hates to admit it but is head over heals for his enemy. It's terrible, really. 

I hear confident steps from outside the door, a gentle knock and a deep breath. Oh boy, wonder who's here to witness tonight's mental breakdown. Even thinking about someone besides Bakugo seeing me like this, makes me pretty damn stressed. 

"Kirishima, Hey its Denki" I hear Kaminari say. He seems pretty desperate for a response. I sigh before walking up to the doorknob. what the heck, what harm would it do to talk to someone about my problems for once. 

"Heh I'm a mess.." was the only reply I could think of as I weakly click he door open. Kami sighs of relief. With the door standing half open I see a glimpse of Uraraka walking back to the kitchen, Todoroki coming out of the elevator, and Tokoyami reading a bedtime story to Dark Shadow. My eyes follow around the room until I see Deku and Bakugo, hugging? well at least one of us is happy. I couldn't control the tears that came to the corners of my eyes. Denki seemed to notice because he placed a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Uhh, maybe its better if we talk in here?" He nervously smiles, stepping to where I cant see Bakugo. I nod, and Kami steps into the Dorm and  I shut the door behind him. He sits criss-cross on my floor and I take a seat on my bed. The atmosphere is decently thick, nothing I couldn't handle. He tries to start up some awkward conversation to break the already thin ice.

"So um how'd your day go?" Denki's innocents in this is almost admirable. Then again I almost laugh at the question. 'hows my day?' well if im being completely honest, terrible. 

"Well lets just say it hasn't been the best" I respond, messing with a string that was from my bed. Kami sighed, and leaned back on one of his hands. I try not to make eye-contact, I look at Denkis clothing, sweatpants, black tanktop that says 'shocker, isn't it?' that makes me smile a little.

"Okay Kiri, I know somethings up so lets just cut to the chase, whats wrong bro?" I stay silent for a moment, how could I possibly put this without sounding disloyal or unworthy? Hell what kind of friend would I be if I told him straight up? he'd probably cut me off like most of the people from middle school did. I tense up at the thought, there's not a single easy way of putting this. 

"I-um. Well Kami..." I fumble on my own words. I made this mess, time to deal with the complications. I hope this doesn't go completely south. "Kaminari, I think I'm having some, troubles with my relationship to put it short." I feel my face heat up and my hand almost instantly shot up to the back of my neck. Denkis placed a finger on his chin as he patiently listened.

"I might have an itsy bitsy, very very tiny...crush on someone? and its gotten me thinking a lot.." I regretted every word that had just left my mouth. Who am I to like someone else while being in a relationship? I mean I understand why Katsuki wouldn't like me anymore, I'm a total loser who didn't have a chance with him in the first place. Denkis eyes widened at my words, straightening his posture and leaning toward me, that phrase surely caught his attention. damn i fucked up

"Y-you do? seriously??hmm"  Kami seemed flustered at the thought. His hand covered his mouth slightly as he seemingly gather his thoughts. Cant believe that I, arguably the most dense kid in this damn school spilled my mind out like that. I stand up in defense, Kami still at full attention.

"N-No its not like you think... I'd never want to hurt Katsu-Bakugo like that! I-I swear Denki" I choke on my own words. Cats out the bag, damn he knows now. Question is Whats he gonna do with this information? Not to jump to conclusions, but Denki isnt the sharpest tool in the shed considering that about a week ago he attempted to steal over sixteen pairs of sunglasses claiming that 'our class needs it im too hot to look at'  i remember that im falling for this dumbass, although  I don't have much room to talk.

"Phew I thought I was the only one. Don't get me wrong Dekus my little ray of sunshine but my brains all like: yeah no :( sorry but no, honestly I see Deku as a Friend more than anything" excuse me? did Kami just openly admit to not being happy in his relationship? I feel my face heat up once more and I take a seat on the floor. Denki and I both take a needed sigh of relief. Its heartbreaking  at the very least, but theres nothing you can do about it. Emotions Change, People Don't. 

The atmosphere eventually got unnecessarily thick and the awkward tension was there once more. "So urmm who do you like?" Kamis words slipped out of the pure uncomfortable-ness of the whole situation. I cover my face  i am not prepared to tell him yet because im not sure if im even ready to admit these feelings to myself. I love Bakugo, I really do, but we've gotten a little...distant to put it lightly. 

"I-umm" I manage to squeak out before I hear a  knock on the door, thank gosh I sigh then walk up too the door  "Who is it?" I ask, rather cheerfully.

"its Bakugo"

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