The Real Purpose

18 7 4

5th August 2019

Dear Ara,

With my eyes tucked underneath a curtain of thick lashes
Every light had disappeared into the abyss of darkness
And in that moment I let my senses be exploited
That hidden spiritual angel in me I had set free
Today I heard the Imam call me
Towards Salah it led me
The Azan like always sounded like a sweet harmony
Never have my ears been so delighted
Never has my heart wavered like the rise of the sea
Never has my mind felt peace
Yet today when the Imam took the Almighty's name
My body just knew where it had to go
My soul knew that it has to be cleansed
And that's when I realized what it means to be a Muslim
For my heart still has hope for me to become a better person


Hello lovely people! Today I have come up with something different but something very special. I really have no words to describe everything but I hope my poetry covers that. <3 It feels good.
Bye, I love you guys


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