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18 August 2019

Too hot to survive but it will combust no more since the fuel it fed on was insufficient. The greed of that star to burn brighter only made the prideful body of the celestial subject shrink. No power to sustain its aura, its existence transformed yet backwards into a singularity.

The pride compresses the powerful burning object into a dot smaller than its original atom and to gain its fearsome presence back, the star's soul turns dark. It wants it's light back and so it opens its mouth and years for the sensation. The black hole sucks in everything not caring if that subject has the right to float freely into the rift of this universe. 

Did it ever get it's light back? Did it ever go back to being the beautiful object it was that the humans would especially admire it from afar?

Never... The greed for that beauty only made the that black monster darker. It never got its fairness back and one day disappeared God knows where.

Here I am questioning my existence. I'm already small and petite, how more should I shrink to be smaller than my own atom and become a point of singularity?


Listen to Singularity while reading it ^

Hey guys so I was watching a 4 hour long space documentary on black holes and stuff...I stayed awake till 4 am while questioning my existence while I listened to V's Singularity. And shit I realized how dangerous and dark it becomes when you combine science and literature together. Its scary boi... don't touch me, I am softly whimpering. 

If you too are questioning your existence do vote and comment your reaction below because I am very very very very very very very very curious! Anyways, I love you guys so much. Bye <3


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