Chapter 1: Returned

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I looked outside the window at the light snow falling from the sky. The early morning frost had made the magic shop cold but as usual Asra was already onto fixing that. He walked towards me with two giant mugs of fresh lemon ginger tea. "See anything interesting out there?" he smiled placing my tea down in front of me. Asra took the seat across from me and studied my facial features before glancing out himself. "Nothing out of the usual however I am looking forward to spring" I smiled "It is your favourite season" he chuckled. Asra knew the closer spring got the more excited I would become which was always amusing to him. 

Asra stared at me after taking another sip of his tea and sighed not knowing what he should do. I could sense there was something bothering him. "Is something wrong?" I cupped my hands around my mug and glanced down into the swirling tea. "You were saying his name in your sleep again" he sighed. his concerned eyes watched my expression carefully . I could feel a warm blush of embarrassment begin to flush my cheeks. I hadn't done that in such a long time. "Im sorry" I sighed. Asra instantly shook his head and took my hand into his "you have nothing to apologise for. I know how much he meant to you. He is a damn fool for leaving". "I just wish he would have said goodbye" I could feel my heart ache, I still wasn't over Julians disappearance.

The previous year we had managed to prove his innocence and stop the devils sinister plans. After that was all sorted Julian and I became even closer if that was possible, we entered a relationship and things were going well. We spent almost every day together and most nights too. we even went on a few small adventures together. I had gone to visit Julian at his work only to find that when I got there all of his things were gone and so was he. I instantly went to Asra to ask if he had heard anything. When he couldn't track him the pair of us went to the palace for answers but no one not even Portia knew where he had gone. He had literally packed his bags and legged it. 

A large knock on the door interrupted Asra and I's conversation leaving us both with confused looks on our faces. "Its too early for a customer" Asra whispered clearly worried. He got up from his seat and opened the large wooden door to find one of the palace guards out the front. "Miss Emily is required at the palace". "Am I to accompany her?" the guard shook his head "no. only Emily". Asra sighed fetching me my coat whilst I grabbed my bag full of things I might need. Crystals, sage, oils, etc.  Asra helped me into my coat and I slung my bag over my shoulder. "I should be back later today. If I need assistance I will send for you" I smiled giving Asra a hug before I leaving with the Palace Guard. 

Asra watched from the doorway until we were out of sight and then continued to prepare the store for any customers who might be coming within the next few hours. On the walk up to the palace we happened to pass through an old side street. Trees had now overgrown the small space but the more peculiar thing that caught my eye were the birds. Dozens of black ravens flew around the area as if awakening from a long sleep. I kept a mental note to tell Asra when I returned home. It wouldn't be long until we reached the gates to the Palace.

 It wouldn't be long until we reached the gates to the Palace

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