Chapter 3: Salty Bitters

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Asra's P.o.v.

Using my magic I summoned Julian to come and stand before me. By now he already knew that I was livid. I watched his eyes slowly lift from the ground to meet mine. "Asra I can explain" he began to raise his hands in defence. "Do you know what you have done!?" I raised my voice at him. The hairs on my arms raised from the adrenaline coursing through me. I was going to get my message across to him wether or not he wanted to hear it. "What made you think you could come back here? Once you left, without a word might I add, you gave up your right to be anything more than a painful memory to Emily". 

Walking towards him he took a few steps back clearly afraid of what I might do to him if I got my hands on him. As he should be. "Asra I didn't have a choice!" he yelled back trying to defend himself. "There is always a choice to be made! You made yours and left the rest of us to pick up the pieces of your mess" I could feel my magic surging through me, daring me to use it on him. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone!" he yelled back. I swiftly grabbed his wrist tightly and locked eyes with him. As soon as he looked into my eyes they began to glow as I used my magic to really show him what he had done. 

It was one thing to explain to him how badly life took a turn for Emily when he left, to show him was another thing all together. He would be see the full extent of his stupidity. I began sharing all the memories I have of Emily since his disappearance. Julian inhaled sharply trying pull his arm away at first. After a moment he began to fall to his knees. I was not leaving until he fully understood the damage he had caused. Unfortunately before I got the chance to truely unleash on him Portia and Nadia came rushing down to the pair of us. 

Portia grabbed Julian breaking the link between us and the memories stopped. Nadia stood visibly upset with what was going on. "Asra I believe you have made your point" Nadia placed a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. Judging by the fact that she did not give me a verbal warning she too thought Julian needed that reality check. "Please come with me so we can discuss matters in a quieter setting, we have a lot to talk about" she sighed. 

I nodded and watched as she began to glide back inside the palace

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I nodded and watched as she began to glide back inside the palace. Waiting a moment more until she was out of sight I turned back to Julian with a glare. "I have one more thing to give to you" taking a step forward I watched his confused face. Quickly I threw a punch straight into his jaw "Asra!" Portia cried. "That is for Emily" I spat before walking inside the building to speak with Nadia. I knew my behaviour was out of line however I think considering the circumstances I deserved a free pass. Besides I don't usually behave in this manner, it is a one off. 

Julians P.o.v.

Clutching my jaw in the middle of the abandoned courtyard Portia helped me rise back to my feet. "I didn't realise things got so bad" I mumbled to her as pictures of Emily flickered through my mind. Portia sighed and rubbed my back for a moment before moving in front of me. "I will admit even though I think Asra's actions were a little extreme, you did need to see those memories". With that said she began to make her way back into the palace to try and find Asra and Nadia. I now stood alone considering wether or not I should follow everyone inside. 

After some careful consideration I decided it was probably not the best idea. Besides I didn't want Asra to unleash on me again. Seeing eye to eye with him was not going to be a possibility at this point in time. Hugging my vest a little closer to my chest I began walking down towards the palace gates. I think it was about time I went and got myself a drink down at my favourite tavern. I definitely needed a salty bitters right about now. By the time I got there the moon was rising high up in the sky. 

Hours seemed to pass by quickly and drinks soon became an instant flow from the bar. I sat at a table with a few random sailors sharing crude jokes and stories from our journeys abroad. Hearing the squawk of a crow everyone dashed out of the tavern. I couldn't help but laugh at them all "not so tough are you". I watched as two palace guards enter and make their way over to me. "Julian your presence is requested at the palace" one spoke. "No. No I dont think it is. Im sure they are doing a loooooooot better without me there right now". 

I sat at my stool in the now empty tavern

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I sat at my stool in the now empty tavern. This being alone thing seems to keep happening to me today. "Julian" a familiar voice pricked my ears causing me to stand instantly. "I am not going anywhere with that man!". Asra rolled his eyes and took a deep breath waving for the guards to go wait outside. Something about being in the tavern alone with Asra scared me a little bit. "Julian I want you to know that I genuinely hate you right now". I raised a very drunk and confused eyebrow at him "I think you made that clear already". 

Asra sat on the other side of the table and glanced at all of the empty steins. "how many of these have you had?" he asked disgusted. "not enough" I moaned. If I was still sober enough to understand what Asra was saying then there was definitely more room for a few more drinks. He shook his head disapprovingly. "Julian, I don't want you to visit Emily. In fact I don't want you to contact her ever again ".  "You cant expect me to accept that, honestly" I retorted. how could he expect me to just stay away and not try and fix things. "You have caused enough damage as it is and the most damaging part of all is that you still dont seem to see it!" Asra stood from his seat furious. 

"Julian, ive never met anyone as selfish as you are right now. If you really cared about Emily you will stay away from her". With that Asra stormed out of the tavern and slammed the door behind him. At first I began to laugh but soon I found myself sobbing into my arm. Id never felt the amount of pain ever. The thought of never being able to see Emily again ripped through me like a sharpe knife. I understood that Asra was mad at me and that by my leaving I had hurt a lot of people but I could never give Emily up. Asking to give her up was like being told I wasn't allowed to breathe anymore. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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