Chapter 1

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   My name is Nikolette Binonzai, and I am a seventeen year old omega female of the Blue Nights pack. Now, I know what you may be thinking, and yes, we're werewolves. Shocker, I know. But oh well. What can I really say? Not everything you hear or read about in stories is fiction. You just have to be able to differentiate what's true from what's false. Which, now that I think about it, can be very hard for some.

   Anyway, I wasn't originally from this pack. According to Alpha Rick, I was found alone in a basket right outside of the territory. The only things with me in my basket were the black and gold blanket I was wrapped in and a silver bracelet that I was instructed to never take off. He said that the entire village began to fight over who would get to take me in as soon as they laid eyes on me, but were beaten to the punch by Luna Marcy, who decided to sneak off with me and wouldn't let me go. Just thinking about the story made me happy. To know that I was taken in by suck a wonderful pack and cared for as if I was one of there own.

   I had the best life a child could ever ask for. I had a loving mother and father, a little brother, and two little sisters. I had a village full of people I considered my aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandparents, and friends. Hell, I even had a god-daughter. Everywhere I turned, there was somebody that I could rely on. And they could rely on me.

   Being the book warm that I was, I spent half of my time with my grandparents, The Elders. We would spend hours at the pack's Town Hall pulling book after book from the shelves. They were basically my teachers and the Town Hall was basically the pack library. Though, they were always very careful about what they taught me and what books I read. Which, I didn't quite understand because I was far from sheltered. Half of the books they made me read were some form of historical erotica. I felt there was something that they were keeping from me, but I didn't think too much of it. I knew that at the end of the day, if I was meant to know, I would be informed when the time came. I was always at peace when I was with my grandparents with my nose shoved into a good book.

   The other half of my time was spent with either my siblings, or my two best friends causing trouble for the rest of the pack. We would run in the forest inside of our territory playing little childish games like tag and hide-and-seek, or play harmless little jokes on some of the pack members. Even with me being seventeen, the triplets being sixteen, and my friends being nineteen, we were easily the biggest kids in our pack.

   I was always happy. Though I didn't always look it, I was one of the happiest people in our pack. Then, something changed in me. I was suppose to have my first transformation on my sixteenth birthday, as well as meet my mate. But, as you can already guess, I didn't. I mean, I knew that it wasn't impossible for a wolf's first transformation to be delayed, but it was very rare. In fact, it was uncommon among every species I had ever had the pleasure of studying. And to top it all off, I was to be turning eighteen in only a few hours! if I didn't get my transformation soon, or at least meet my mate, I was going to lose it.

   In this very moment, I was in my bed reading from a book Nanna Edna had given to me for our lesson next week. It was a book about the early history of bear-shifters. I had already learned everything there was to know about werewolves by the tender age of ten, and had since then been learning everything I could about everything there is. Grandma Dolly and Grandpa Charles say that I'm a knowledge sponge, soaking up any information I could get my hands on, but Nanna said that she enjoyed my love for learning. She had always wanted to share her knowledge, but nobody else ever wanted to learn about anything they didn't think they would ever need.

   While finishing up the last chapter of my book, there was a light scratching sound at my door. A small smile found it's way to my lips.

"Come in, Aria."

   A second later, my door was opened with the sight of a little white wolf standing up on her hind legs with her front legs on my doorknob. I let out a chuckle, watching as the little wolf walked over to my bed. Aria was the smallest, as well as youngest, of the triplets. She was about the same size as a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, while her brother and sister are about four-foot-eleven on all fours. Though, she seemed to love her small size and it was rare to see her in her human form.

"What can I do for you, little one?" I asked.

   Aria lowered her head and swirled her front right paw on the floor in front of her.

"Well," She mind linked me. " Lily, Aden and I wanted to know if...maybe...we could sleep in here with you tonight?"

"Is that so?" I smirked, looking up to see a brown spotted wolf and the face of my other beloved little sister tucked behind my doorway.

   Aria nodded her head, still looking down at the floor.

"Hmm, I don't know..." I teased. Aria looked up at me and they all worked together to give me their powerful Puppy Eye Take-down. It only took a good five seconds for me to give in.

"Fine, come on." I laughed. Aden yipped in victory and ran over to me, jumping onto my queen-sized bed and attacking me with kisses. Aria followed right behind him.

"Hey! No fair! I want kisses, too!" Lily pouted, running over and smothering me as well.

"Okay, okay, no more! I can't take it!" I laughed.

   Once everyone settled down they began to claim their spots on the bed. Lily laid on my left, up against the wall. Aria crawled over me to lay in between us, while Aden took his spot on the edge of the bed with me right in the middle. This was always the way we slept in my bed because Aden insisted on being the closest to the door in case anything ever happened. My little bother was a natural born protector and I loved that about him. Lily liked sleeping by the wall for two reasons. One was because there was a small crack in between the bed and the wall, which we discovered that Aria could squeeze down into and get stuck. That was one of the scariest days of my life. The second reason was because there just so happened to be an air vent on the ceiling right over her spot. And Aria just liked being cuddled up either next to me or on top of me.

   Aden reached over and pressed the power button on my lamp with his nose before sliding under the blanket and curling up next to me. Lily and Aria slid under the blanket as well and got comfortable.

   It only took a few minutes for all of us to be swallowed at the hands of a darkness by the name of Sleep.

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