-Over A Potato-

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After all of my year have been sorted, we get to eat our meal. Wow! Plates of delicious food fill the long tables, Draco takes all of the potatoes though. "I wanted one Malfoy." I roll my eyes and he giggles. "Too bad Lestrange." And he eats up a potato, i stare at him until he's finished it. "Hand one over." I say and he doesn't. "Nah, I'd prefer not to." He smiles and shares one to Goyle. "You give him one and not me? Very welcoming Draco, wait until Dumbledore hears this." I raise my hand for Dumbledore to see me. "Get your hand down Lestrange." He shoves my arm down and i stand up. "I'm not letting you get away with this." I cross my arms and he rolls his eyes. "Go on then, you remind me of Hermione... Mudblood!" He shouts and it immediately gets Dumbledore's attention. Dumbledore walks over to the Slytherin table and i sit down. "Malfoy? Is this you again?" Dumbledore asks and i nod. "What happened over here? Draco, you will be getting a detention." Dumbledore says calmly and Draco looks at Goyle.

"Well Professor, Malfoy over here won't share the potatoes. He shares them to Goyle but he's not being very welcoming to me. It has been very hard just getting here and i don't need him ruining this experience." I say and Draco snickers to his friends. "Over a potato Miss Lestrange... Draco why did you call Lillian such a fowl word?" Dumbledore looks at Draco and he smiles. "Well, she reminds me of Hermione. Dirty blood!" He grins and his friends giggle. "This is no laughing matter! I am going to get Professor McGonagall, she will sort out your detentions." And Dumbledoor walks away. "Haha! You've got yourself a detention Lestrange." Goyle laughs and Draco smirks. "Stop thinking you're so clever..." I try to say however, McGonagall comes over too quick.

"I've heard what's occurred here! I am very disappointed in you Draco. Goyle, calling someone a Mudblood is no laughing matter, so don't laugh. Draco, you get a detention with Snape... he will deal with you well. Gregory, you get a detention with me. And Lillian, you're getting a detention with Snape as well however, Snape will make sure you and Draco aren't together." Professor McGonagall says and i look at Crabbe who just came back from the table. "What! Why do i get a detention?" I ask because i am surprised, i know Crabbe has something to do with this. "Vincent Crabbe reported you as to why you thought it was acceptable to stab Draco with a fork, thank god you did it lightly Lestrange." Professor McGonagall stares at me disappointingly. "I did not do that to Draco! Crabbe, you're talking shit!" I shout and leave the table. McGonagall follows me and Draco, Crabbe and Goyle laugh.

"Follow me to my office NOW!" McGonagall yells and i obey and follow her. We get to her office and i sit down in a chair. "Do you want to get expelled?" McGonagall fiercely asks me. "No Professor, it's the fact that i..." I try to say but McGonagall likes to cut me off. "No excuses Lillian, i heard what you said to Vincent, it is not acceptable in Hogwarts to swear at other students, nor hurt someone with a fork. I know Draco isn't the nicest student but you won't be if you carry on the way you are. I am going to give you a second chance since it's your first day, you still get a detention though." I smile only because i can stay at Hogwarts but i just go with it that i 'stabbed Draco with a fork.' "You now need to follow a Slytherin prefect to your Common Room. Good luck Lillian." McGonagall dismisses me from her room and i make it just in time to meet a Slytherin prefect. "Watch out with the staircase! It likes to move." The prefect warns us.

We make it to the Common Room and i see Draco. "What did McGonagall say?" Goyle asks and i sit next to the boys on the couch. "None of your business Goyle but you Crabbe, you will be dead if you carry on like that. And Draco, shame on you! You have definitely changed these boys to make them like this, you will also be dead!" I move closer to them and they laugh. "Listen, that's just what Slytherins do Lestrange. You're making more enemies than friends right now, go and meet some girls." Crabbe smiles and i roll my eyes and walk away.

I approach three girls from my year and they smile at me. "Sit down and tell us, why did you get sent out?" One of the girls, the only girl with ginger hair smiles. I sit down, "I don't want to tell that right now. It just happens to be involved with Draco and his gang of idiots." I look over at them and one of them winks. "Draco's hot!" Another girl, a girl with brown hair says. "Anyway, what is your name?" A blonde girl, like me, asks. "I am Lillian. Lillian Lestrange." I grin and they smile. "Really? I'm Georgina Weasley, me and my sister are twins. Her name is Ginny, she's in Gryffindor." The ginger girl says and i smile. "I'm Papaya Poem." The brown haired girl says and she's still looking at Draco. "I'm Quinn... just Quinn." She sadly smiles at the ground. "She doesn't know who her parents are." Papaya whispers to my ear. "Yeah..." Georgina whispers. "Hey... Quinn. It doesn't matter if you don't know who your parents are..." "Shh!" Papaya and Georgina shush me and i bite my lip. "How do you know that?" Quinn asks me and i sigh. "She just guessed!" Papaya answers for me and i nod to agree.


It's time for bed, McGonagall says it's going to be a long day tomorrow. Finally, i think i can meet Elena, i hope i can. We haven't spoke since she got sorted into Ravenclaw, at least i know she's safe with her sister.

"Hey Lillian." Quinn whispers and i look at her. "Do you wanna share with me... i have nobody to share with either?" She asks and i feel bad for her, Papaya and Georgina just manipulate her... is that what Slytherin is about? "Yeah. I'll share with you." I smile and she gets into my bed. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" I ask her out of interest, everyone else is drifting off to sleep but I'm wide awake. "Not really. I don't wanna get bullied by those boys." She replies. "Draco and his gang? Don't worry, you have to stand up for yourself, that's what Slytherin's are about right?" I try to make her feel better but i don't think it works. "Hm, not really for me. I don't know why I'm in Slytherin if I'm being honest. Georgina says i should be a Hufflepuff." "What does she know? You were put in Slytherin to show off your talents, The Sorting Hat thinks Slytherin is the best for you." I say to her but she's asleep already... oh well.

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