-Draco's Gang-

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Detention with Snape|| Lillian's POV

"Good evening Lillian, I've heard about your... incidents." Snape's cold voice says as i walk into his room, his room is freezing, it's down in the dungeons. "Yeah." I mumble as Snape hands me a book and quill. "Good evening Draco. Take a seat, away from Miss Lestrange though." Snape looks me dead in the eye and Draco rolls his eyes as we walks past me. What a bloody fool. "I want you two to write two hundred and forty nine times... i will NEVER call someone names and injure someone again. You've got it easy this time. Just... you... wait." Snape walks past us as he announces our punishment. "Isn't two hundred and forty nine times too much, bloody hell..." "Be quiet Lillian! We work silent in my classroom unless I'm talking and only me should be talking." Snape comes close and slams his hand on my table. Draco giggles at me however, i can't help it, i let out a giggle as well. Luckily, Snape can't see us.

The next two hours are boring as hell... "I'm finished Professor Snape." I announce and Snape walks over to me. "Dismissed." He says as he collects my quill and papers. "I'm done as well." Draco says and he gets dismissed as well.

Draco and i run out of the door before Snape can say anything, Snape looks disappointed with our work. We run out giggling but then i notice, it's me and Draco, am i crazy? "What?" Draco says seriously as we stop giggling. "Nothing... it's just me and you, you know?" I stutter and Draco understands and pushes me out of the way. I go along with it, he didn't hurt me anyway. We both walk into the Common Room and Draco sits next to Crabbe, Goyle and Plantsy, i sit with Quinn and Papaya.

"How was detention?" Papaya asks like she's sad for me. "Crap." I try to smile but detention is absolute hell, i don't deserve that again. "I don't like Snape." Quinn slightly smiles and i smile back at her. "Who wants to sneak out tonight? Harry gave me his invisibility cape." Georgina joins our conversation however, she whispers, i don't think anyone is ought to know about the cape. "Who's Harry and why do i want to sneak out?" I ask and Georgina giggles. "You don't know who Harry Potter is? Anyway, there's a forest that's forbidden called the Forbidden Forest. No students are allowed there, i reckon we should give it a go. Nobody can see us." Georgina grins and Draco walks over to us. "The Forbidden Forest, I'll come with you... I'm not scared." Draco laughs and Papaya, Georgina and Quinn smile. "No! You'll bring Crabbe, Goyle and Plantsy." I roll my eyes and Draco snickers. "And what if they come? Slytherin's are loyal to one another. We won't get you into trouble. I just want to use Potter's cloak. I will steal it." Draco evilly smiles and Georgina holds the cloak close. "No! Harry is a brother to me, you can't steal it. He'll be really mad, he told me to protect it from you." Georgina says referring to Draco. "She has a good point." Quinn looks at Draco. "I'm coming with Draco." I say, i want to explore and i don't want Draco and his gang as my enemies. "You won't regret it."

The Forbidden Forest

"So you're with this one?" Crabbe rolls his eyes as we're all crammed under the invisibility cloak. "Yes. She's going to help us steal it." Draco says smiling as we walk past the Gryffindor Tower. "I have a problem though. Georgina, my friend, got this from Harry and she's a Weasley... she might tell on me." I bite my lip and they laugh. "She can't sneak out tonight." Pansy giggles and i start to feel better. "If she tells Pathetic Potter, i will kill her." Draco smiles however, he looks evil when he does. "I'm sure you'll kill her." Goyle snickers and Draco hits him playfully. "Bloody hell, i think we're busted. There's Snape." We move away from him just in case he can see us.

"Get in! We're here!" Goyle shouts and takes off the cloak. "GOYLE! YOU IDIOT!" Pansy grabs him and forces him under the cloak. "Hagrid can hear." Crabbe sighs.

(This next bit is gonna be funny)

"Yer a wizard Harry." We can hear Hagrid repeatedly saying like he needs to practise something. "Yer. A. Wizard. Harry." Hagrid says slower, we all laugh but we quickly move away and make it inside the forest. "The last time i came here with Potter..." We hear a rustle in the trees. "Don't be such babies." Pansy says to us whilst we're in shock. "Well, if you're not scared. Take the cloak off you." I say to Pansy and she rolls her eyes and does exactly what i say. "Have you all brought your wands?" Pansy asks us and we all sigh. "Okay. I think we need to go to Hagrid to ask for new wands, just to use for tonight." I suggest and they giggle. "Are you kidding? Hagrid won't let us Slytherin's do that! He will let Gryffindors but not us." Draco rolls his eyes. "He will let me, he helped me get my supplies for Hogwarts. Get out of the cloak then we're not suspicious." I say, Goyle packs the cloak in a bag and we knock on Hagrid's house.

He opens the door and emerges randomly. "What are you doing here! Yer not allowed out this late at night!" Hagrid puts his hands on his hips however, he lets us in before anybody sees us. "I forgot about not being able to be out this late. Stupid rules." Draco angrily mutters. "Why are yer here? What yer need?" Hagrid asks whilst we all look at each other. "Wands." Crabbe asks and Hagrid giggles. "Why yer need wands from me? Who suggested that stupid idea?" Hagrid laughs and they look at me. "Oh Lillian, yer certainly not a Ravenclaw. Yer can't just come up for wands this late."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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