When your sick

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Since it's just you two, you pretty much just have to wait it out. Lots of snuggles ensue

The Chosen One

Basically the normal one here aside from Blue and Red. Gets medicine, gives it to you. Is a good dad.

"Tamed" The Chosen One

Can't get medicine, so you just gotta wait it out. But he's paranoid that it's something deadly and no matter how much he tries to shake it off he's still scared he might lose you

The Dark Lord

Chosen had to explain to Dark that kidnapping a doctor was a bad idea even if she threatened said doctor with "She dies, you die" for multiple reasons and also it's just a cold

The Second Coming

Second, sobbing: ... and I don't know what to do! She so sick and-

Animator: It's just a cold calm down.


Gives you warm clothes and takes you to the animator


Small mental break down, wait never mind, it's a big one

Purple (pre-redemption)

You thought one sneeze was bad?



Just wait until you get a stomach virus and started throwing up. He legitimately thought you were dying. I feel so sorry for the village's doctor

Purple (post-redemption)

Same thing as pre but instead of a doctor he came to the crew and then everyone panicked


After you got a stomach virus she felt responsible. Dark had to explain that it was a different type of virus

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