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I sat outside the RV and listened to Carol state how her little girl was lost in the woods,not what's about to be buried. I waited until Daryl and Lori left to stand up and enter the RV.
"You should go," I stated, crossing my arms.
She shook her head no.
"Why," I sassed, "because 'she's not your little girl'? I didn't get to bury my brother, Carol. I didn't even get to stop him from turning. He's out there somewhere, probably gnawing on someone's flesh while your little girl is at rest and is about to be buried! Don't take things for granted. It won't get you far."
I angrily walked out and headed to the service. I stood near Daryl as we looked at the graves. Shane was the first to leave. Followed by everyone to leave and Daryl walked into the forest. I stood there longer, eventually sitting in front of Sophia's grave. I never got to know her, but if I did, I'd love her like a sister would've. I felt tears brim my eyes as I blinked rapidly to make them go away. I'm sorry Callus. I'm so sorry...
I let out an uneven sigh as I went and picked up my bat and headed out towards the woods.
"Where you going," Carl called.
"Out," I stated, "I'll be back before dawn, don't worry."
I didn't look back at the kid as I kept walking. I knew my way back, probably better than most. I kept walking until I came to the town nearby. I whistled along as I swung my bat in one hand, practically calling walkers to me. This was my coping mechanism since the world went to shit.
I grinned wickedly as I hit my bat upside the walker's head. Again, and again. I heard another groan and whipped my head towards it and held my bat as a couple drops of blood ran down my face.
"I've been down the darkest alleys, saw the dark side of the moon, to get to you, to get to you," I sung softly.
This only made the walker moan some more. I held my bat above my head and lined it perfectly as I whipped my arms forward as it smacked the walker's head to the side as it's face twisted and cracked it's neck viciously. My right hand let go of the bat as my left hand went full around me as it slowed down. I breathed heavily as I finished.
I sat against the outside of the bar and held a blank expression. I could hear someone drinking inside. I cocked my head curiously. I entered and saw Hershel. He turned and saw me, covered in my usual dirt and dried blood, but also a layer of fresh blood.
"Have fun out there," Hershel asked.
I hummed in agreement and sat up on top of the bar counter, hugging my legs closer as I sat slightly criss-crossed, bat in lap.
"What're you doin' here," he questioned.
"Needed to clear my head," I shrugged, "found this town. Wasn't expecting you to be here."
It was left at that. I kept seated where I was, staring at the door, while Hershel continued to drink. Just holding onto the comfort of each other. The new blood I gained was starting to dry and I let it.

I heard a car pull up outside and I tensed. I listened closely, and recognized the voices, making me relax. The door opened and in walked Rick and Glenn. They glanced at me curiously, I just shrugged.
"Hershel," Rick stated.
"Who's with you," Hershel asked.
"Maggie send him?"
"He volunteered. He's good like that."
They started walking towards us. Rick walked closer and stood on the left side of Hershel. I was on his right, sitting on the counter. I just watched the door.
"How many have you had?"
"Not enough."
"Let's finish this up back at home. Beth collapsed, is in some sort of state. Must be in shock. I think you are too."
I whipped my head towards Rick. He caught my attention as soon as he said Beth collapsed. Worry danced behind my eyes, but my facade blocked it well...too well.
"Maggie's with her?"
"Yeah, but Beth needs you."
"What could I do? She needs her mother, or rather to mourn...like she should've done weeks ago. I robbed her of that. I see that now."
I looked at Hershel's face as it held pure guilt. My heart felt a little heavy considering I haven't mourned over my brother properly in months...but how could I? He was the only one that kept me naturally sane. Once he left me...all bets were off. Down goes the training, and down goes the memories of them. Until now. These people keep me naturally sane now...well, Shane doesn't but I can always just ignore him forever.
"You thought there was a cure. Can't blame yourself for holding out for hope."
"Hope? When I first saw you running across my field with your boy in your arms, I had little hope he would survive."
I cocked an eyebrow. Carl was injured? Hope the punk that did it was taught a lesson...or apologized and realized his mistake. Assholes these days—guess I'm not one to talk though. I turned back to the door in silence.
"But he did," rationalized Rick.
"He did," Hershel nodded in agreement, "even though we lost Otis. Your man Shane made it back and we saved your boy."
I could feel the edge as he said Shane's name. I nearly whistled. Someone wasn't on Hershel's good side. Then again, he crossed the line today when he shot Hershel's family.
"That was the miracle that proved to me miracles do exist. Only it was a sham, a bait and switch. I was a fool, Rick. And you people saw that. My daughters' deserve better than that."
I shrugged, "not all of us."
Hershel turned to me questionably. This has been only the second time I've opened my mouth since being in this bar.
"What do you mean by that," Rick questioned, also curious.
I looked directly at Hershel when I said my next line.
"I didn't take you for a fool. I took you as someone who still saw hope in the order after everything went to shit. You continued to be yourself Hershel, that's something that not all of us have done."
I spoke that with experience, flashes of people I've killed blinded my eyes and their screams filled my ears. Re-living the entire thing again. With that said Hershel finished his drink and refilled it. I rolled my shoulders but that was as much movement as I did.

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