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Some people were packing, others were getting ready to fight. Daryl and I haven't talked about what happened with Merle since well...since the day it happened. I've given him the space I knew he needed and when he was ready, he'd come talk to me. I slipped my coat on and ran my fingers through my hair tiredly before I strapped my knives into place and placed my bat in it's holster, slipping my crossbow over my shoulder.
I started for the door and walked out, joining the others; hearing what Daryl and Carol said.
"Y'know, Merle never did nothin' like that his whole life," Daryl commented.
"He gave us a chance," Carol commented.
I felt something crack inside. I turned to look at Daryl but he didn't make eye contact. Drifting. We were drifting apart...I shakily breathed in before I breathed back out. I rolled my shoulders before turning emotionless. If this is how it was gonna be...then I'll bite. I started making my way to my position, one of the guard towers, taking one of the sniper rifles from Glenn.
"Hey," he whispered, stopping me, "you okay?"
I turned to look at him. All emotion void of my face. I let out a shaky sigh.
"Good as I can get...I guess," I mumbled.
Glenn looked between Daryl and I before pity washed over his face. I frowned.
"Don't look at me like that...I can handle it from everyone else, except Maggie and you."
Glenn sighed and rested his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with worry instead of pity, but there was a hint of it still there.
"Be careful. He may not act like it now, but he still cares."
I nodded before I started making my way to the guard tower near the whole in the fence. It took awhile, but I made it. I started up the steps and got situated safely and waited. I was the only one up here. The others were placed separately somewhere else. Carl was with Hershel, Beth, and Judith in the woods.
I heard an explosion and looked out the window to see them coming in and then someone point a grenade launcher at mine.
"Oh fuck," I muttered, rushing down the stairs.
I heard the explosion and ducked as I looked back up. Fire. I quickly started sprinting down the stairs towards the door. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I stumbled out the door and moved out of the way of their line of sight, I got on my stomach and got a clear view of everyone in the trucks.
I watched them all move towards the prison for the indoors. I pulled out the walkie.
"Watchtower to the others," I whispered, "the bees have landed, let it roll. Over."
"Copy you watchtower, this is tomb commander," Glenn whispered, "we're on it. Over."
"These walkies are stupid..." Daryl whispered, "over."
I smirked at his long pause to say over. I chuckled slightly before I thought something out. I rushed to get to the outer-field. The others moved into gearing up for them to come out. Glenn watched me as I expertly jammed their machine gun and took their ammo with me into the field. I threw it to the side of me as I dropped down and waited. I smirked as I watched them come pouring out after the alarms started blaring. I could hear Glenn yelling from here.
"Get the hell outta here!"
I started shooting from here when they started firing. Getting people in legs, arms, shoulders, every body part except the head. I wouldn't grace them with that. Except the Governor. I'd shoot him a million times over before I shot his head. Just to make him be in pain before his death.
They started clearing out and I continued to shoot even before they left until they were out of sight. I stood up and walked towards Maggie and Glenn. Michonne, Carol, Daryl, and Rick soon came out and joined them. We were all panting by the time I walked up to them.
"We did it," Rick commented, "we drove them out."
"And we," I held up the bullets, "have a military car machine gun to unjam."
Everyone either smirked or chuckled at me. As I leaned down and panted heavily. Daryl looked up at the guard tower I was suppose to be in.
"You get outta that okay," he questioned, pointing at the tower.
"Oh yeah. Nearly had a heart attack sprinting down those stairs...nearly gave myself away once I exited."
"We should go after them," Michonne commented.
"We should finish it," Daryl agreed.
I shrugged, "I'm down."
"It is finished," Maggie commented, "didn't you see them hightail it out of here?"
"They could regroup," Michonne informed.
"We can't take the chance," Glenn stated, "he's not gonna stop."
"They're right," Carol panted, "we can't keep living like this."
"So we take the fight back to Woodbury," Maggie questioned, "we barely made it back last time."
"I don't care," Daryl commented.
I turned to Rick, "your call boss."
Rick turned to look at me. I kept my gaze on him before he looked towards Daryl.
"Yeah," Rick sighed, "let's check on the others."
We walked into our cell block and waited a bit before the others showed up. I was swinging my bat around carefully, waiting for the okay to go. Daryl walked up to me. I stopped and turned towards him curiously.
"Thanks," he murmured, "for what ya did when Merle died...I never got ta thank ya."
I looked down before shrugging, "I would've done anything you asked Daryl...no need to thank me."
I looked away and went to swing but Daryl caught it and I turned my head towards him. I didn't realize he took a step closer. I could smell the strained sexual tension between us, it was terrible. I stared into his Georgia blues.
"I mean it Red...Merle would've liked ya, if he didn't kidnap you in the first place."
I chuckled before looking down.
"Yeah...I'm sure I would've like him too."
Daryl let my bat go and walked away as I rolled my shoulders to get rid of the usual bubbly feeling in my chest when I talk to Daryl.

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