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I kept my glare at the table as I listened into Glenn's beating. I didn't flinch or tremble like Maggie was doing. Glenn's beating kept going and didn't stop for hours.
    "I got to hand it to you," Merle commented, "a lot tougher than I remember. No surprise you lasted this long. Shoot, I figured the way Officer Friendly abandoned people, he would have left you behind by now. But he didn't do that, did he? Hmm. So tell me, where y'all been at?"
    "It's just a matter of time before they come looking," Glenn commented.
    "I'll bake a cake with pink frosting. Would they like that? Ain't nobody coming."
    "Rick is. And when he gets here-"
    "He's gonna do nothing, not if he wants you, Bo Peep, and feisty back. Think I'm in this by myself?"
    "You can't take us all. There's too many of us."
    "There ain't a pair of nuts between the whole pussy lot of you."
    "We've been on the road, not hiding in some dungeon. Rick, Shane, Dale, Jim, Andrea."
    "Really? Is that right? Well, I might as well speak on by feisty now. It was nice chattingwith you Glenn."
    "June, don't do anything stupid."
    I kept quiet, staring at the table in front of me until the door creaked open. I slowly turned my glare up towards Merle. My mouth was practically sewn shut, I wasn't gonna say a word. Just take the beating and never say a thing.
    "What dumb thing could you do? Your hands and feet are bound and you're strapped to that chair like a caged animal."
    I kept my mouth shut. Merle didn't seem to like that so he walked around towards me.
    "Where's your group."
    I just stared at him. He punched me once and repeated the question.
    "Where's your group."
    I just kept my stare on him. He punched me again and yelled the question this time. This time, I gave him a sly smirk. Something he didn't like. Punch, after punch, after punch. After awhile he just kept going. He soon stopped and grabbed my bloody and bruising face in his good hand.
    "Where's. Your group."
    I moved my face forward, re-breaking his already once broken nose from Glenn. Merle did it back to me but I twisted my neck slightly so he hit his face on thechair.
    He backed up and touched his gushing nose before turning towards the door storming out, slamming it behind him. I smirked. I heard Glenn trying to get out of his restraints but I heard Merle re-enter his domain.
    "All righty, I want you to imagine how I felt fighting my way off that roof—one hand," Merletaunted, "losing blood, walkers chomping down on me every step of the way. Last chance. Where's your group?"
    Glenn didn't answer.
    "All right. Suit yourself. You're a pretty big snack for this fella. But you know what they say—he's gonna be hungry again in an hour."
    Merle shut the door behind him and I heard the growling still in his room. Merle opened my door without a walker. I looked up at him and tilted my head slightly with my eyes dilated.
    "You gonna corporate little missy, or am I gonna have to get someone else to do it?"
    Silence. Merle chuckled.
    "You did this to yourself little lady."
    "When I get out of here," I started, stopping him short, "I'm going to kill each and everyone of you."
    Merle smirked, "like to see you try feisty."
    I could tell I scared him by how he reacted once he stepped out and thought I wasn't paying attention to the door. A smirk graced my mouth but I dropped it and glared back down at the table.
    I heard Glenn's fight to the death before I heard him yell in anger. I kept my facade. I heard someone walk into Maggie's room. It wasn't Merle's footsteps, which caused me to quickly look up at the door. I heard the man talk. It definitely wasn't Merle.
    "Stand up, please," he asked.
Tick. I closed my eyes and counted, tensing. This time he practically ordered it.
    "Stand up."
    I reopened my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I heard the chair skid across the floor, meaning Maggie stood up.
    "Take off your shirt."
Tick. I breathe in and recounted. Trying to control my breathing.
    "No," Maggie denied.
    "Take off your shirt. Or I'll bring Glenn's hand."
    I heard something hit the floor. Maggie's tank top.
    "Go on."
TICK. I started growling and shaking in my seat. This man was a dead man.
    "June don't," I heard Glenn warn, "not yet. You hear me? Not yet."
    I slightly calmed down but I was shaking in anger. I let out another growl.
    I didn't growl again, but I so wanted to bite someone, it was gonna be the next person that walks into this room. I heard another article of clothing hit the floor. I lowered my head as I shook in anger. I heard something touch the table and then footsteps. The chair moved and then someone forced to the table. That was the last straw.
    I started moving the chair around and yelling angrily, trying to draw attention to myself than Maggie.
    "Shut up over there," the voice called.
    "June," Maggie called, "June, stop, I'm alright. I'm alright!"
    I didn't believe her for a second. I yelled one more time before I heard a crack. I was breaking the chair. The person left Maggie's room and stormed into mine. I made eye contact with the man.
    "Merle was right. You are feisty."
    He walked closer and started stroking my cheek with his hand. Big mistake. I turned my head and caught his pinkie in my mouth. He cried out in pain and tried to get me to release his pinkie but it was a tug of war match. I succeeded as I heard the searing sound of ripping skin before blood squirted around from his missing pinkie. He yelled in agony before back handing me.
    "Stupid bitch!"
    I spat out his pinkie as blood dripped from my mouth.
    "I may be stupid," I growled, "but I'm your worst nightmare."
    He soon left, leaving his pinkie. Few minutes later Merle came in and gave a low whistle and chuckled.
    "Man, I was not expecting him to come out with a missing pinkie. You a crazy bitch aren't you?"
    I tilted my head and grinned, showing off my bloody teeth.
    "Oh Merle, I can do a lot worse than bite someone's pinkie off. Have you ever torn off someone's jugular as they pleaded for their life? It's a rush."
    Merle visibly gulped before taking two steps back. I had turned into an animal. I had no one to calm me down before the last tick set in. Now, I'm a wild animal with no one to tame me until Rick or Daryl get here, but by then. I might be too far into my murdering spree to notice. Merle left and I looked back down at the table, closing my eyes. Please hurry guys...

    I was left in my room while Maggie went to Glenn's. They tried to force it out of them until Maggie told them. Breaking. I closed my eyes. You lasted as long as you could Mags...
    "We wanna see June," Glenn stated.
    "Not after what she did," Merle stated.
    "Oh god...you don't understand—we need to see June now."
    "Not gonna happen, son."
    "We can get her to calm down," Maggie stated.
    "She'll calm down on her own," mystery man stated, "she's by herself on this."
    They closed the door behind them after shoving Maggie to Glenn.
    "Kill them," Glenn ordered.
    I shot my head up, knowing he was talking to me.
    "Kill them all when you get the chance June...leave no survivors."
    I smirked and lowered my head back down, not knowing Merle watched me do it.

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