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i accidentally deleted the story I'm so sorry kaksjsksj I'm still getting used to writing lol


in which a skillful pickpocket unknowingly had stolen from a professional thief

jungkook walked out of the supposedly smart prime minister's house, a small bag containing jeweleries and a few fine gold bars safe in his coat pocket. it felt too easy. jungkook had only been in this line of work for 8 months, yet he does his work better than some others. experience of pickpocketing for 5 years helps. 

he strolled inside Flora's house with a bounce on his step, met by the woman snogging on her living room couch with her girlfriend Kara

Jungkook threw the bag at her and was caught effortlessly by Kara without even looking. fortunately Flora stopped kissing her to examine the goods thoroughly.

"you know I'm a bit bummed you rejected my offer to work exclusively for me" Flora retorted, clicking her tongue. jungkook  smiled and shrugged, feeling a little guilty. flora trained him to be one of the best, in a way, she saved him. he knows he'd be long gone if it wasnt for flora training him, taking him under her care.

"you do know I'm not into some things you do" 

"you can always just say no to some jobs and you know that" flora sighed, storing the bag of goods in Kara's bra, for now. she'll move them away when jungkook's gone, that's just how she works.

"now that's unprofessional flora. that's not someone i hope to become" jungkook tutted while hiding a smile.

"get out" flora jokingly scowled. jungkook grinned as he exits Flora's house, getting the exact response he expected from Flora.

he sang quietly as he watch scenery out of the bus window, his earphones on max volume. watching people go by is entertaining to him, people are always so clueless, they dont know what's coming their way. it's always jungkook's favorite thing watching or even engaging with his victims, how they just go about their day, having zero idea they're about to get robbed off. he's always curious how do they react once they realize?

jungkook showered once he gets home and changed into nice clothes, he's going to celebrate as he felt that he did very well in today's mission. there's a new gay bar uptown tht jungkook goes to regularly since its opened, mostly filled with spoiled college kids who live off of their parents credit card. they always buy jungkook good drinks, to try to impress him. but jungkook never do more than one night stands or sloppy alleyway handjobs. he knew what he was getting into when he got trained by flora. he;s not stupid enough to think that choosing this life doen't need sacrifices. like those silly fuckers who end up having their loved ones blood on their own hand.

the bar today is not so crowded probably because its tuesday, jungkook quickly settle in with a drink, he was looking around when a little group consist of 4 suddenly became chaos, yelling "put on your costume and do it! " "get the fuck on stage now" "im gonna have a good wank" . then one of them stand up and headed somewhere, jungkook assumed he lost a bet or something. the guy was tall, he was literally wearing sweats and hoodie into a club (?). 

some time later the same group goes crazy, then the entire place followed, whistles and yells fills up the room.

all because a figure appeared on the stage, wearing a sailormoon mini costume which made jungkook chocked on his drink, almost spitting them out.

the song in the bar changed, as well as the lighting, the atmosphere became thick and sensual. 

sailormoon danced along to the rhythm, jungkook cant let his eyes off of him. by now everyone in the club was watching, and the sexy motherfucker knows it. his gaze was hooded but sharp, and jungkook's breath hitched when the pair of eyes  landed on him. sailormoon  smirked, knowing damn well the entire club is enticed by their performance. after dancing some more around the pole on the stage, they jumped down and headed towards jungkook, he heard others whistle and cheer but his focus was only to the angel, approaching him

"hello mister, i see you've been keeping your eyes on me? " sexy sailormoon said with a smirk, jungkook was surprised of how low and airy his voice was, he got chills. sailormoon in a dude. he was the one who lost the bet earlier Jungkook figured.

jungkook tried acting cool, he was about to put his hand on sailormoon's hip, but he flicked his hand away, jungkook once again heard people going 'oohhhs' and 'aahhhs'ed.

"ah ah ah, no touching mister" said him, while purposely dragging his finger down from jungkooks neck to his belt. jungkook inhaled sharply, he was usually calm and cool but the fucker definitely knows what he's doing.
he danced, grinded and teased jungkook for he doesnt know how long, but jungkook loved it. he loved the guy's plump gloss coated lips, love his sharp cat-like eyes, love his airy voice, his thighs, his flirty smile, his long lashes, jungkook was in for him. but then he stood up and moved away, saring jungkook one last flirty look then went to his group and danced on each of them. even kissed one of them.

lucky bastard.

but from here, jungkook got to see what people saw when he danced on him, and his head spins. he's one blessed man tonight.
but then the show was over, he bowed, getting praises and cheers, then he went backstage. jungkook mentally face palmed when he realized he never asked his name, he was too mesmerized. jungkook waited until the guy came back out, once again got blown over his beautiful thighs as he came out wearing his hoodie but kept his mini skirt. jungkook then ordered  a drink to be sent to him, which he received with a small smile when the waiter told him who bought it for him. jungkook internally smiled, he's going to have the pretty baby blow him tonight. he'll make sure of it.

jungkook pat his thighs, signalling the guy to come over to him, replied with the guy raising his eyebrows. jungkook nod at him, silently persuading the guy to come to him. the way jungkook got so excited over one guy is new to him, whatever, after getting a blow from the pretty face he'll probably over it.

the pretty guy came to him and sit on his lap, jungkook put his hands on his thick delicious thighs.

"pretty baby you havent tell me your name.. and you kinda hurt my feelings when you flicked my hand earlier" jungkook feigned an exaggerated sad expression which the guy copied. now jungkook wanna smash his head to the wall cause the way his lips juts out and his eyes became bigger, fuck. he's absolutely gorgeous.

"mister I'm so sorry, here let me make it up" he said, sounding intentionally obnoxious, then he took jungkook's hand that he flicked earlier and kissed it, he then look into jungkooks eyes and slide jungkook's finger into his mouth. jungkook's dick twitched in his pants.
pretty face grinned when he saw how jungkook eyes grow darker and become hooded,  he slipped out jungkook's digits out of his mouth and drag it down his throat, letting jungkook wrap his hand on his neck. jungkook pull him closer, lingering close, waiting for one to give in and kiss first. but right when their lips was about to touch,  someone ripped his hand off of him

"that's my boyfriend loser" a gruff voice said,  they both look up to the intruder. he was a guy from sailormoon's group of friends, exactly the one he kissed when he performed earlier.  he offered his hand to sailormoon who giggled then took his hand, he got off jungkook's lap then they joined by their other 2 friends went on their way without looking back.

jungkook cursed that god damn motherfucker.

he still haven't found out sailormoon's name.

thinking about it, his boyfriend was small and pale and short and jungkook could definitely take him down if he wanted to. moreover, the guy's hair was dyed an odd shade of green. weirdo. sailormoon's so much better with jungkook than that smurf looking headass. sad how some people really dont know what they worth.

jungkook sighed and finished his drink. a guy approached him some time later and jungkook let the guy blow him in the loo, desperate to be touched by now, but all he could think about is silormoon. he just knew it in his bones that sailormoon would suck him better. so he went home after taking his dick out of the drunken guy's mouth, and wanked angrily in his bed.

he sighed for the hundredth time tonight after meeting sailormoon. he's left to wipe his own cum with a dirty sock instead of getting the best ass in the entire korea.


thank you so much for reading tho, much move 💜💜💜

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