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Here is how you find the Children's league: you don't.

You don't ask around, because no soul alive in Los Angeles would ever admit to the organization being there and give president Gray an itch to scratch. Having the Federal Coalition was already bad enough for business. The people who could tell you the way would only cough it up for a price that was too big for most to pay. There was no open door policy, no walk-in. There were standing orders to dispose of anyone who was so much as gave an agent a sidelong look.

The league found you. They brought you in if you were valuable enough. It was the first question I asked Cate.

It's been 6 months since I was brought in to the league. 6 Months since I erased Liam's mind, and Ruby erased Chubs's. I haven't forgotten either of them. Cate keeps telling me to move forward, that there I quote "in my past." But they were family, I can't help but miss them. I'm the past 6 months Clancy Grey's army has become stronger, but so has the children's League. Now that I'm apart of it I have to pledge my allegiance to them and help them in this war, between the children, and the government. I've been here at the League's hidden facility, training so I can in the future protect other children in need, from PSF, and the government.

I wrapped my gloves around my hand's as I entered my the boxing ring. "Remind me why we have to do this, again," I asked turned toward Cate, and Ruby who was sitting on the sideline.

"You have to be prepared for everything,"

"I am,"

"What about the new IAAN dampener,"

"I can still protect myself,"

"You, can but you need to be prepared for everything." She said typing on an Ipad. I room lit up with strip's of blue light's all around the room. "The room has been modified so it replicates what an IAAN dampener would do to you, it also makes you vulnerable for a certain period of time, in which none of your power's work,"

"What will it do to me?"

"It takes a high pitched frequency the government created to suppresses your abilities, for short period of time," Cate said, before tapping on the iPad, the turned to me, Ruby stood up and walked towards to see the video, Cate tapped the iPad and the video started. A Mexican girl was telekinetically holding up a PDF as two kids were behind her, he was flailing their arms up in the air, another PSF was running holding up what I believed to be the IAAN dampener, to the 3 kids in front of them, they screamed in pain and fell to the floor, a couple of moments later, they stood up, I saw two of the kid's flick their hands trying to use their abilities but it didn't work. The PSF's took their opportunity to tackle the kid's to the ground and put cuff's on the kid's then the video ended.

"Woah," Ruby said with a shocked expression.

"See you need training, for that when they use that Dampener,"

"Fine," I turned around and entered the ring, I pulled the sleeves to my shirt up, of my I turned and faced my opponent, I think his name was Joshua, he was strongly built, I've seen him around some of the bases that Ruby, Zu, and I have been.

I put my hands up defending my face and upper body. He did the same, with a smirk plastered along his lips as we closed in on each other. I made a fake jab and saw him flinch back.

He start's toward me and throws his weight into a punch. As his body shift's forward, I duck and drive my fist into his stomach, right over his belly button. Before he can get his hands on me, I slip my hands up, ready for his next attempt.

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