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When Zu, came back with more 'Tea Time' we continued to play princess, for a short period of time, before we knew it it was night time. We tucked Zu into bed before we left her room. Ruby and I walked down the hall in silence, before Ruby spoke up. "If you want, we can talk," She said with a reassuring smile, which I returned back. "Ruby, I'm fine I promise," I said playfully, rubbing her shoulder,

"If you say so," Ruby muttered as we got to her door. "But I'm always here alright," she said pulling me in for a short hug. "I'll see you tomorrow birthday Mae."Ruby smiled.

"Thanks." I said releasing from the hug.

She nodded her head and entered her bedroom. I walked back down the hallway to my room. When I got in, I closed the door, and jumped into my bed, I turned over so that I was facing the ceiling I played with my necklace that still hung around my neck, I stayed that way for a while before, rolling out of bed and getting ready for bed.

I quickly brushed my teeth and changed into my PJ's before crawling into bed. I was about to turn off my light before I saw a black object on my bed stand. "What the heck is that?" I said to myself, sitting up in bed, examining the object. I saw the button on the side and slowly pressed it. Suddenly a blue light shot up from the device, I screamed and jumped up, initially falling off the bed in the process.

I grabbed the lamp from the bed stand and held it close to him ready to strike whatever it was. I slowly rose up to look at the device, it was what appeared to be a hologram, the picture cleared out, and I was shocked to see a Van, but not just any van. Betty. I Moved closer to the van, and zoomed in to the passenger's side, and saw who I'd not seen in a long time. Chub's he was singing along to the song, Riptide, by Vance Joy was always his favorite. I saw a vague hand in the steering wheel, I turned the hologram around, and my heart dropped when I saw Liam sitting in the driver seat singing along to the song,

"Liam," I whispered, in a voice I barely even recognized.

His hand on the steering wheel. He was singing on the top of his lungs, I laughed, as a tear fell down my cheek. He was okay. I looked to the bed stand and saw a brown envelope with my handwritten in cursive on the top.

I knew I didn't see it before because it blended in with the color of the bed stand. I grabbed it off the table and tore the notecard open.

Dear Mae,

I know you had a panic attack early today, know this it's not bad to talk to a friend, I know you hold some grudges against Cate, but your friend, Ruby. Or me, I've got your back. Plus I needed to get you a birthday gift, I've been working on this for a couple of week's. I was happy I finished right before your birthday tomorrow, The hologram is a live broadcast of the drone I sent out to track their movement. I hope this can cheer you up. And Happy birthday


Mason K.

I smiled at the card and placed it back down on the bed stand, and I wiped the tears that continued to roll down my cheek, I smiled I rolled into bed and placed the device next to me, And then I slowly fell asleep with it right next to me.


I woke up the next morning my someone shaking me. I groaned and turned over in my bed. "Mae," A familiar voice called out to me, but ignored pulling a pillow over my head, trying to block out the noise, But a finger kept constantly tapping my side. I sighed opening one to see who was intruding my sleep. I saw Zu, and Ruby smiling at me so hard, there eye's meet their smiles.

When saw that I opened my eyes, they screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY," Ruby and Zu screamed while jumping on my bed. "Good morning," I said rubbing my eyes.

"Happy happy birthday from all of us to you we sing about your birthday so we can party too, happy happy birthday we hope all your dreams come true." They sang dancing on the bed. I laughed as Ruby pulled me up out of bed, "Dance with us." She sang, I giggled and jumped on the bed, whilst dancing.

We spent the whole morning, dancing, singing off tune, dressing up, and opening presents. It was fun, the kind of fun a teenager is supposed to have instead of fighting their life's. When we went to the cafeteria, everyone stood up from their seat's, and began to sing "Happy birthday," I laughed as I was seated down on a throne, and a red velvet cake with 17 candles on the cake.

"Blow out the candles" I heard one voice

"Make a wish!" Another said.

"I want to eat cake," Someone shouted making everyone on the cafeteria laugh.

I took a deep breath, 'I wish Liam could he here with me, with us' I said making the little wish in my head, before blowing out the candles. Everyone cheered, they cheered even louder as the cake was being cut. We partied a little, and there might or might have not been a food fight, and before we knew, it was night time. Ruby and Zu came to my bedroom for a "Sleepover"

"Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me," I sang, along with Sebastian, watching as Sebastian danced around with the other sea creatures around Ariel.

"Mae, we're trying to watch," Ruby said, lightly hitting me with a pillow.

I gasped, putting a hand over my heart pretending like I was offended. "What don't you like my singing?" I asked laughing before cutting back into the song, I was stopped when I was hit once again in the head with a pillow, I gasped turning the two girl's, and Zu pointed an accusing glance to Ruby.

"You should never start something you can't finish," I laughed, hitting her back with my pillow. She gasped two and threw the pillow back at me. I raised the pillow threatening to hit her, and she did the same, but we were both shocked when two pillows hit us. We both looked at Zu who had an innocent face, Ruby and I shared a knowing look, before a huge pillow fight broke out. And by the end of the night, we laid on the bed, fully exhausted. And or the rest of the night we talked till midnight when we all fell asleep.

I thought I would I fall into a dreamless sleep like I do most night's but instead,

I opened my eyes and saw that I was seated outside a cafe. I looked around and saw that it was where my mother used to take me to, it had the best cinnamon rolls I had ever eaten.

I stood up from my seat but felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Liam, "Liam?"

"Mae, I'm so sorry I'm late," He said wrapping his arms around me. "I had to work an extra shift with Chub's but I'm here now," He said leaning down, and his lip's gently touched kissed mine. I was surprised but nevertheless wrapped my arms around him, kissing back. We released from our kiss, a smile appeared on his lips.

"That'll never get old," He said pecking my lip's, making me smile, up at him, "Really?"

"Yup," He said with a slight smirk, before re-connecting our lip's. "Happy birthday, Darling," He said against my lip's, just about when his lip's we're about to touch mine, I felt my arm, shake and the dream began to fade away,

"No," I said shaky breath, "No, no, no," I said before turning back to Liam, his body slowly began to fade, "NO,"

"I love you, darling," He said whispering against my lip's, right before one more shake pulled me awake.


I felt like this chapter was a little more of a tribute for Liam Stewart than I thought that it would be, but never the less there's still more coming.


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