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For the next two weeks, my schedule was in a constant loop. Breakfast, morning training, Lunch Afternoon training, playing with Zu, then sleeping, then starting all over again. But every single night I would fall asleep with assurance that the boy's were okay. Last night, they had been camping outside Betty, In the woods, both boys sat around the fire, laughing and eating out of canned foods. But they were both enjoying themselves. While I was here cooped up here in which some could say was a prison.

A part of me had been hoping that when I fell asleep I would once again dream of Liam again. But with no prevail, I kept sleeping dreamless dream's.

But today when she sun peeked through my windows and into my room, I didn't move, I just stayed in bad. I grabbed a book that I had browed from Kate's Library, I sat up in my bed, and continued from where I left off, it was a peaceful time until, a loud know came from my door, I was startled for a second before, I composed myself. I swung my legs off my bed, and drape a blanket around my arm's, before making my way to the door. When I opened the door, I wasn't surprised to see Cate on the other side of the door.

She was about to speak but I quickly beat her to it, "Before you say anything, I deserve a day off, I've been working for 2 weeks straight, like I'm a robot or something,"

       "That's not what I came here to say," She said brushing past me, and into my room,"Come right in," my sarcastic just dripping off my words, I closed the door, and looked puzzled at the saw a rectangle object in her hand that she placed it on the bed, and opened, it was then that I realized it was a suitcase.

She took long strides to my dresser and grabbed some of my folded clothes from the top drawer, and placed them down inside my suitcase,"Cate, What are you doing?" I asked, as she went again back to my dresser and grabbing another batch of clothes, and putting in my suitcase.

       "We're leaving," She said once again going, walking about the dresser, she was about to open the second dresser, but I quickly shut it closed. She finally turned to face me, with my now blue's shining from the sunlight.

       "Cate, what do you mean we're leaving?" I asked, moving to stand in front of her. "Why are we leaving?"

She sighed before saying. "The safe house has been compromised we need to leave now before the government comes."

       "So where are we going to go?" I questioned.

       "To the Children's League Headquarters," She answered, walking to the door, "Hurry and pack we leave in one hour." She said before walking out of the room. It took me a second to process all this information before I continued to quickly pack all of my clothes I had acquired of the past month's, I put my personal items in my backpack the one Cate had given me when we first meet. I made sure to pack the gift Mason had given me. I wrapped Liam's jacket securely around myself.

After I had finished packing my clothes, I grabbed my clothes and walked to Zu's room and quickly helped Zu pack her clothes into her suitcase. After we had packed her suitcase we meet Ruby in the hallway.

       "Hey, I need to talk to Mason before we leave,"

       "Okay, We'll meet you outside,"


       "Hey, Mae."

       "Do you know how the base was compromised," I asked he looked around before leaning down, to my ear level.

       "It was the drone," He whispered.

       "What?" I screamed, some soldiers eyes turned to use, Mason grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner.

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