E L E V E N || Revenge

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"...something tells me a whole lotta people are about to die!"


Katherine's Pov

You ever think about your past and wonder if it'll affect your past? Everytime you think you escape your demons but they keep coming back and each time they return, they keave an even bigger mess and they shatter what's left of your heart.

You think they'd leave the people you love out but they don't and you can't blame them either because its your fault. You knew they'd come back and won't stop until they take everything away from you yet you can't help but start to love the people around you.

That makes them your weakness and you would automatically assume that they won't ever find nor touch them but you're wrong. You say you'll die before you let them lay a finger on the person you love? But what happens when you're too late?

You can only stand there with tears streaming down your face, your voice gone from all the screaming and your heart aching from the pain of losing that person.

That's me, right now.

My first mistake was thinking that they'd leave them alone but they didn't. They killed him and when they did, they took a piece of my sanity.

Paul was a great man, an amazing father figure and I'll forever love him, he will remain in my heart. I won't stop until I kill every single one of those bloody bastards for what they did.

My throat hurt like hell, my eyes burned from all the tears I shed and my body was tired from crying. Today was officially the worst day of my life.

My plan to visit Paul after school went down the drain when I got a call from him during lunch. I was sitting with Amelia and John, they were talking about Ashton and Matthew.

Amelia told me Matthew was staring at me, I turned around and rolled my eyes at him. My phone rang, the ID caller said Paul and I immediately picked up with a smile on my face.

Only for it to be taken off again, it felt like someone punched me in the gut when I heard his cry for help and pleads for me to stay away. The voice behind the phone laughed as he stabbed Pauls leg which caused him to scream in agony.

I screamed in the cafeteria, catching everyone's attention but I didn't care. Paul shouted that he loved me and he's not afraid to die for me, he told me not to come and those were his last words before they shot him in the head.

The man laughed evilly before ending the call, my body shook in anger and I wanted blood. Tears were streaming down my face, Amelia got up in panic and held me but I pushed her off and ran outside.

I ran to Paul's house, not stopping even when my lungs burned for oxygen. I thought it was just a nightmare, it wasn't real and Paul was okay but when I reached his house my nightmare turned into a reality.

His body was in the lounge, strapped to a chair and a hole in his head with knife marks on his arms and legs. I called the police and ambulance, they came after ten minutes and asked me a bunch of questions, I told half the truth.

They phone Amelia and she came with John, Matthew and Ashton. Normally I would've questioned her and demanded answers but my body felt numb.

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