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The rest of the week was surprisingly uneventful and thankfully flew by for Jackie.  She had stayed under the radar and out of her father's way and now he was to be gone on a business trip for the next five days.  Billy Hargrove hadn't bothered her in the last few days and even Tommy H. and Carol had loosened up on the insults. Jackie hadn't felt this happy in a good while, but with her happiness also came suspicion.  Things were better, but why? She had the feeling that things were about to go downhill again soon, but she still reveled in her life being a little easier while it lasted.

Jonathan, after much persuasion, ended up convincing Jackie to actually attend Tina's Halloween party with him. The party he wanted to go to so badly, just because a Miss Nancy Wheeler had asked him to make an appearance.  She shook her head at the things she would do for her friend, but she had always been the type of person to put her friends' needs before her own.  When her and Steve were close, she would drop anything to help him out – and now look at them.  He hadn't spoken a single word to her – nor vice versa – since their awkward encounter in gym class at the beginning of the week.

Now, it was Friday, Hallow's Eve, and the night of Tina's party.  Jackie ran out of the girl's locker room after changing out of her gym clothes and back into her high waisted jeans, maroon sweater, and black Doc Martens.  The Johnson girl headed to Jonathan's car, where the two would hit up the thrift stores for last minute costume options.

"Hey, freckles," Billy was leaned against his blue Camaro, smoking a cigarette, and looking handsome as always, which annoyed Jackie to no end.  "Are you going to the party tonight with your freak of a boyfriend?"  Jackie stopped walking at his words and looked at the golden-haired boy with a furrowed brow.

"My boyfr–," she stopped her question short and almost started laughing.  She pieced together that Billy thought Jonathan Byers was her boyfriend.  "Maybe I am," she shrugged, giving the California boy a vague answer.  Billy ashed his cigarette and stood up while exhaling the smoke. Jackie didn't hate cigarettes, but she didn't like them either.  However, she did hate to admit seeing Billy smoke made them more enticing.  He walked over to stand next to Jackie, the first encounter they've shared in the last few days.

"Are you going to dress up in a costume like all the other losers going?" he took another drag before holding the cigarette to Jackie.  She surprised herself by plucking it from his fingers and taking a deep drag as well, the smoke filling her lungs and the nicotine bringing on a headrush. 

She blew the smoke right into his face before replying again coyly, "I might."  Jackie didn't know what she was doing. 

In the few moments she had with Billy, she felt like her old self – The strong girl who used to be admired by everyone.  The girl who never had to hide cuts and bruises.  The girl who was once invincible. Maybe it was because he saw past the façade others forced upon her. Maybe it was because he didn't immediately judge her like everyone else had when they glimpsed the bruises. Jackie knew that bantering with the California boy was akin to playing with fire, but she enjoyed the sparks from their interaction for now, even if it may end up burning her later on.

"You know," Billy began slowly, watching Jackie intently as she took another drag of his cigarette, "I keep wondering if you do end up wearing a costume, if you'd be the type of girl to dress up as an angel or a devil.  Then, I start wondering which one you'd actually be if that was the case." 

Jackie sported a smirk of her own for once at his words. "You've been thinking about me Hargrove?" she playfully asked.  The raven-haired girl gave him no time for a retort as she told Billy, "Well, you think on it a bit more and then tell me once you've decided if I am an angel or a devil."  She winked at the shocked California boy, put the cigarette between his parted lips, and continued making her way to Jonathan's car.

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