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Previously: Suddenly deciding she was done with the party, the Johnson girl downed the rest of her cup, threw it aside, and went to find Jonathan to let him know she was going to walk home.


Jackie was searching for Jonathan when she was suddenly shoved from the side and almost fell to the floor if it wasn't for Steve Harrington catching her shoulders.

"Sorry, JJ," he spoke quickly before following after his girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler, who had been the one to accidentally push into Jackie while muttering "bullshit." The whole front of the girl's white sweater was stained pink with punch and the raven-haired girl had never seen her so pissed off before. Nancy drunkenly stumbled up the stairs and into the bathroom, with Steve hot on her trail.

Jackie rolled her hazel eyes for the umpteenth time that night and decided right then that Jonathan so owed her even more for coming to the party. She could've been home alone with no fear of her dad barging into her room and some peace and quiet for once. Dejectedly, she moved her feet forward and into the crowd of teenagers that stood between her and the front door.

"Jackie!" a familiar voice yelled her name. Jonathan and Samantha had migrated slightly, but were still smiling and talking away. Jackie attempted to put a smile on her face as she walked over to them, but it came out as more of a grimace instead. Jonathan immediately saw right through it. "Oh no, what happened?"

"Nothing, nothing happened," Jackie might have fooled Samantha, but Jonathan knew better. He also knew better than to keep questioning her though, especially in a house full of teenagers. "I'm just feeling a bit worn down and partied out, so I'm going to head home. You guys have a great rest of your night though. It was great meeting you, Samantha." The Johnson girl gave a half-smile to Samantha before she turned to Jonathan. He looked displeased and was about to offer to drive her home, when Steve Harrington came rushing back down the staircase. Although, this time he was alone.

Having been best friends with him for over a decade, Jackie immediately could tell he was upset and trying to hold himself together. Steve headed for the front door before slamming it shut. A quick glance upstairs where Nancy could still be seen attempting to wipe the punch off her sweater, and anyone could tell they had a lover's quarrel.

"On second thought, you– you go check on Nancy, Jonathan," Jackie ordered, her feet mindlessly moving toward where Steve went, "I'm going to make sure Harrington is okay. Even though he is a total hoser." The Byers boy nodded to her before he said a goodbye to Samantha. Jackie was too preoccupied to hope he was smart enough to ask for her number or on a date. Her mind was instead focused on her ex-best friend as she walked outside and away from all the teenagers.

The night had cooled down immensely from when she was watching Billy's keg stand, causing goosebumps to raise on Jackie's skin. She looked for Steve's burgundy BMW, hoping to have caught the boy before he left the party. There were so many cars though and the bit of alcohol she consumed wasn't helping her much either. Yet still, her legs moved her body forward on a path they seemed to already know.

She had passed by a large oak tree in Tina's front yard and groaned in frustration after still seeing no sign of Steve. Jackie couldn't even understand why she still cared when all he did was leave her by the wayside.

"JJ?" There was only one person who called her that and thankfully it was the same one she was looking for.

"Harrington," she replied stoically and turned the direction his voice came from. Confusion furrowed her brow as the boy was nowhere around her.

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