Chapter 5

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Sweeping Japan (1)

“Is the work going well?”

A question flew at KangYoon, who was handing in the interim report to Chairman Won JinMoon.

“Yes. It is going well. We’re selecting the song right now. We have also decided on the album name: ‘Girls on Best.’ It represents a proud and aloof girl shining at the top.”
“The attracting audience should not be men then. Are you aiming for a female fanbase? The JooAh I know is easier to attract a male fanbase. This may be dangerous.”

Chairman Won JinMoon pondered while going over each page of the report. However, KangYoon confidently said his argument.

“Instead, it has possibility. Currently, it cannot be considered that there is a wide variety of musical media choices for Japanese women. At best, it’s at the level that they are buying albums or magazines. The aim of this album is for JooAh to attract admiration from there.”
“Wouldn’t it instead attract jealousy? We’re foreigners, and Koreans to boot.”
“If it’s JooAh, then she can shine at a higher position. There are already magnificent stages to support JooAh.”

Chairman Won JinMoon seemed worried while listening to the interim report. However, the concepts and fanbases he never heard of until now also sparked his interest.

“Anyway, you have all the power. I will believe you. I will wait for the next report, and I will receive the next report in the directors’ meeting. This report is fine, but prepare a presentation for then as well.”
“I understand.”

KangYoon headed to his office after exiting the chairman’s office. His office was already in a mess due to the scattered resources, various paperwork, many monitors, and even clothes since he didn’t go home recently.

“It’s no surprise that he’s worried. However, it will be accepted.”

Putting down the transacted paperwork, KangYoon muttered.
In KangYoon’s ‘past’, JooAh debuted in Japan while aiming at the teen fanbase. However, she attracted female supporters in their 20’s and 30’s rather than teens. Cute, great, and even cool – for these kinds of reasons… There were lots of reasons for people to like JooAh. And she achieved success by placing in the top 10 in Japan.
However, KangYoon was now aiming for the top 5. If he set the target right this time, then the possibility was high.

‘But the problem is the song. Even if we use the ‘original’ one, it’s obvious that it will only get in the top 10. This adventure I started, I will take it to the end.’

Whether he becomes minus or midas, it all started here. If he used the same song as the past, then he would just repeat history. Of course, a Korean singer placing in the top 10 is a great achievement in itself, but KangYoon had ambition. He started this, so he couldn’t be satisfied with just the same level as before.
KangYoon opened the budget draft. He had more than 30 songs until now, and requesting for these songs had costed him a huge amount of money. Moreover, the money for making the album cover, JooAh’s activity costs, and other miscellaneous costs… The album production costs this time was incomparable to JooAh’s previous albums.

‘I’m using money like water. The scale is different alright, haha.”

KangYoon thought back to his ‘past’ for a moment. In his ‘past’, it hurt him to even use 1 million Won (≈870 USD). But now, 1 million Won wasn’t even enough to request for one song. The number increased at a frightening speed and this came back to him as responsibility. Like the huge budget, the responsibility he felt was big too.

-Team Leader, Miss JooAh’s here.
“Please let her in.”

When he was focusing on his work, he was contacted from the lobby that JooAh had come here. Normally, JooAh would barge in, but today, she even contacted him before coming. It was a kind of consideration for KangYoon.
Soon, JooAh and Manager Kang JinSung came into the office. After a brief greeting, the three sat down and started the conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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