Five Nights at Freddy's: Ch. 12

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I sat calmly in my chair and leaned backward. My eyelids fluttered shut and I sat there for a moment in silence. A headache began to form near the front of my head. A sigh escaped my lips and I reached over to the bottle of pain medication which I had taken with me. I wish the relief could have been instant...

The phone rang. I picked it up instantly and waited.

"Hey, congrats. You made it to night three." Barry said in a humorous tone. Though, I didn't laugh. "You probably are getting to know the situation a little bit better now, right? I shouldn't have to talk much. Just one thing..." His voice calmed.

"Things get real tonight." The words echoed in my head. Especially the word real. Real... real... real...

"What do you mean real?" My voice quivered.

"What the hell do you think I mean? I'm sure you've seen how those animals act. The first two nights? Damn, they were just getting started. You better be on your best watch tonight, kid." Barry's croaking voice pierced through the phone. My heart started to pound through my chest.

"Is it too late to quit?" I said jokingly, but in a serious tone.

"Wow, real hilarious. Man up and do your job, and make those recordings!" He hung up immediately. I can tell he was fed up about something. I set the phone down and gazed upon everything on the desk. Even I was getting a bit frustrated, something seemed up with Barry. I was tempted to call him again, but that'd make situations worse. I then lifted the camera panel to flip through each system, and noticed that Chica was already gone. At that point I lost it.

"I hate this damn job, I hate everything to do with it!" I slammed my hands on the table then went completely silent. "Damnit..." Though I probably shouldn't have been so loud. From my left side I could vaguely hear metal clanking. Chica must be in the kitchen, which unfortunately was the room with the broken camera. Though, it still recorded audio. I listened and it only sounded like she was wandering around, and bumping into everything.

"What an idiot..." I chuckled and spoke softly. I tried to act calm, though on the inside I had quite the case of butterflies in my stomach. I kept letting out little sighs from my mouth as I twitched and turned in my chair. I usually get a little antsy when sitting for too long, but this just makes it so much worse.

After a while, I stood to look outside the right door. Nothing but a dark, empty hallway. I back into the room again and move towards the left door. There stood Bonnie. I yelped and stumbled over to the door button. I nearly fell on my face and caught myself on the wall. It felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest. I almost walked into him! I sat back in my chair and panted like a dog.

"I could have just not come. I could have stayed in my dorm. I could be sleeping right now!" I began going hysteric. Quiet chuckles escaped my mouth every now and then, my breathing quickened immensely, every part of my body was shivering. Adrenaline was everywhere, I could feel my body tensing and getting sore. It was only 2:37 am, so three and a half hours or so left... I pulled my arms close while resting my elbows on the table, and placed my face in my palms.

"Why the hell is just job so hard? It's... it's just six hours..." A heavy sigh exhaled from my parted lips while I continued to pant quietly. I sat in that position with my eyes closed for a moment, letting the silence flood the room. I rolled back in my chair to check if Bonnie was there. He left, so I lifted the door once again.

Another gentle sigh heaved, and I sat in silence once more. I hope this night goes as smoothly as the others did... My eyelids fluttered shut. Five minutes of pure quiet passed.

My eyes flicked open. Sound. Echoing down the halls. Wh-what the hell...?

Huh huh... heh... hehehehe...

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