• High and Horny •

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×Warning! Smut scene ahead!×

*Rina POV*

"Tell me, Rina..." Yoongi dug his fingers into my hair and forced me to my feet. He pushed me back into the stall wall hard, making my bruised torso from when Taehyung hit me erupt in a flood of pain.

"Have you ever gotten high?" He smiled wider, a look of insanity overtaking the features of his face.

I shook my head and grabbed his hands, trying to pull them off me. His eyes held both lust and dullness. Like his humanity was...gone.

"Well you're about to." He dragged me forward and pushed me out of the stall.

"Yoongi...don't. I can't be doing this." I held my hands up and stepped away till my back hit the sink counter.

There's too much at stake. Protecting Kyung-hee, fighting off Dad, I can't be messing around with drugs at a time like this.

"You can and you need to." He moved forward and I made a break for the door. He lunged forward and grabbed my arm, flipping me back around, his strong grip completely turned me so that my stomach was pressing to the cold tiles of the sink and his body was flush against my backside.

"No, no. I don't want to do drugs!! Yoongi!!!" I tried to push off the counter but nothing was moving him. He grabbed his bag and dumped the contents of it onto the glossy surface. His other hand came up to my face as he clamped it over my mouth and nose roughly.

Shit...I can't breathe.

I started kicking around and pushing back against him, the feeling of having no oxygen was making me panic uncontrollably.

"Shhh. It'll all be better soon." He grabbed a small bag which contained the horrid white powder. Messily he dumped it onto the back of his textbook and slid it in front of my body.

I started scratching at his arm, my lungs were contracting from the forced lack of oxygen. There's no way....

"Now...just let it in." He grabbed the back of my head and pushed my upper body down, bending me completely over the counter. My face was forced into the white powder and he moved his hand lower on my face, letting only my nose have access to air.

I couldn't stop it, my lungs were burning for air and it forced me to inhale deeply through my nose. I felt the powder flowing up into my head as I shook and coughed into his hands. He pressed me down harder, his hand still over my mouth as the only oxygen I could get through my nostrils was mixed with a poisonous amount of cocaine and who knows what else.

"Just wait....it takes a minute but it's worth it." He moved his hips forward against my ass and I moaned into his hand.

W...what's happening....

At first all I could feel was a burning in my nose and brain but then everything around me started getting hazy and strange.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Yoongi let go of me but strangely I didn't stand up. For some reason I couldn't move my face away from it, I kept breathing it in, making my eyes tear up from the sting.

"It's....." My heartrate changed, almost as if it was slowing down. I felt as if a giant hand had reached into my mind and took away every single stress and worry that was in there.

"It's...wonderful..." I slowly stood up and turned around to Yoongi, his eyes were scanning me up and down. I felt a rush, like I was invincible. Everything was heightened, I could see every detail on Yoongi's face, his dark eyes looked like sorcerer spheres.

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