• Letting It Out •

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*Rina POV*

"She's not here, now get the hell away from me." I crossed my arms, avoiding the brutal look my father had in his eyes.

"You fucking took her back so stop lying, stupid bitch." He spat the words out and I turned my head away from him.

"Mr. Lee, please get off my property, you're not welcome here." Namjoon grabbed my hand and pulled me back, creating distance between my dad and me.

I looked up at him and then back at my dad only to see that Yeeun was no longer beside him. Her absence made my heart nearly stop cause all I could think about was her hurting Kyung-hee.

"Rina….when I find her….you'll never see her again." Dad said blankly, his face cold and void of emotions. His eyes flickered to Namjoon and I felt a deep sense of dread set in when I saw the way my dad looked at him.

"What is this….?" He pointed to me and Namjoon, his finger moving back and forth between us as his face showed confusion at the sight.

"Nothing." I mumbled and grit my teeth together. I felt uneasy at the way his twisted mind was examining us right now. If Namjoon was ever put in harm's way I wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Get out." Namjoon commanded in a raised voice. I got goosebumps at the drop-dead serious tone.

My dad immediately started retreating but he continued saying things that made my body tremble with anger. "Nice, Rina. Screwing the rich mans' son for a living. You're just like your mother, congratulations, street whore."

I was on the verge of charging forward and ripping his head off. My chest heaved with how heavy I was breathing. I wanted to kill him so bad….I could just envision it, it would be so freeing. 

"Hmm, I didn't realise you actually appealed to men. This is interesting, you two are cute together." He smiled sickeningly and I just got the feeling that he was planning something, I knew his horrible mind was thinking of any way to destroy me.

"Get away from me." I looked down to the ground, I felt nauseated and I felt tired,  the very sight of him made me tremble. Now I had developed feelings for someone else it made me even more scared of the possibility of losing them because of my father's anger.

"No, I'll never leave you alone, I'm gonna torment you for the rest of your life, just like you ruined mine….your mother only got sick because you and Kyung-hee were born." His face hardened and his jaw locked with tension. 

His words hurt...so much. But I knew they weren't true, mom used to be healthy...and then he got possessive of her and abused her till she died. He seriously hates me because he thinks I...took her from her?

"You….you were the one who took her away from me and Kyung-hee!" I screamed, my whole body resonating with an anger like I had never felt before.

"You hit her, you forced her to live and act the way you wanted her to. She was in hell and you got away with it because me and Kyung-hee were too small and weak to ever do anything to stop you!!!" My chest heaved with quick breaths as I yelled and cried at the same time. The dam had broken, all my emotions were out in the open and I couldn't control them.

"No, I loved her...and you took her away!" My father's hands formed fists and his eyes bore straight into mine with hatred. I had seen that look before, it was a week before my mother died, I stood up for her when he was threatening her with a knife and he gave me that same look. Like he wanted to kill me.

"You are the one who hurt her. You are the one who made her sick. YOU are the one who drove the two of you apart and in the end, YOU KILLED HER!!!" I collapsed to the ground, the tears falling down my face as my father groaned in anger.

"Fucking shut up Rina before I beat you like I beat her-" His words ended with a bone crushing sound, followed by a scream of pain. I looked up and saw Namjoon had just punched him in the face and sent him flying back into a stone statue.

My eyes were wide open as my father laid on the ground, coughing from the impact and groaning from the cracked and detached bones in his nose. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Namjoon stood up for me...he barely knows me and he attacked the person that was hurting me.

"Rina…." Namjoon knelt down and hugged me. His strong arms wrapped around me and all my anger and pain just melted. I started crying and I couldn't stop. My dad had already stood up and left the property, muttering every curse possible. He was soon long gone and I was still on the porch, being held by Namjoon as I let everything out.

"Shit, Kyung-hee." I wiped the tears away and pulled myself out of Namjoon's arms, running through the house while my heart pounded in my chest wildly. I was struggling to breathe as I ran to the back door in the direction they had gone. After shoving the door open and bursting through it I came to an instant stop as I collided with someone on the other side. 

I staggered back, rubbing my sore forehead before facing the person. 

"Rina, what are you doing here?" Taehyung grabbed my chin and made me look at him. His eyes narrowing as he stared at the tears on my face. I was at a loss of words after seeing his face for the first time since the incident in the hospital. 

"Rina did you find her-" Namjoon walked through the door and came to an abrupt stop when he saw Taehyung touching me. He seemed so cautious of his own brother and it didn't feel good.

"Did you hit her?" Taehyung asked blankly while staring at Namjoon's bruised knuckles. I blinked my eyes as I stared at Taehyung skeptically. 

"You literally kicked me in the stomach in a hospital storeroom-" He grabbed me by the shirt making me shut my mouth. "And I'd gladly do it again. Over and over." He whispered the last part as he rolled his eyes and let go of me.

I scoffed and backed away from him. I forgot how mean he was. 

"Taehyung just get to class." Namjoon grabbed me and pulled me back into the house. My heart soon calmed down when I saw Anya and Kyung-hee sneaking back inti the house, making sure the intruders were gone.

When Kyung-hee saw me she instantly ran up and threw herself into my arms. I held her close to me, lowering my head slightly and burying my face in her hair. Fuck, she was almost as tall as me...she really is growing up, Anya was right. 

"Are you OK?" I  asked quietly and she nodded while squeezing me tighter.

"Anya fought off Yeeun to protect me….Yeuun said some horrible thing to her….I think she's really hurting inside." Kyung-hee stared at the ground, tears filling her eyes.

Maybe I've been treating Anya wrong...maybe their friendship isn't something that I should be so against. Kyung-hee finally has someone other than me to spend time with and Anya wants to protect her too, from the looks of it.

"I love you." I smiled at her as I kissed her forehead. I then turned my attention to Anya who was sitting on the couch staring at the ground. Her blonde hair was messed up and covering her face so I couldn't see what emotions she was going through. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, feeling foreign to this kind of talk with another female. Normally I'm being threatened or I'm threatening them. She stood up an pushed her hair back, looking at me with a mischievous grin.

"Fuck it, come here." She grabbed my arms and pulled me into a damn bear hug, apparently trying to squeeze the life out of me. It actually wasn't so bad, it almost felt like when mom would hug me.

"You and Kyung-hee are gonna be alright, me and Namjoon will make sure of it."

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