Kate x Daniel- School Formal

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3rd person prov
Kate is 16 and has a crush on the class clown, a boy named Daniel Seavey who she has all 5 classes of the day with. She may never admit to liking him but everyone knows it's true.

Kate has two best friends named Hope and Bethany

Kate meets up with Hope before the bell so they can walk to class togeather.

Hope's prov:
The bell rang and Kate and I walked to our first class. Kate's a quiet and shy girl so doesn't normally talk much. We walk onto maths and sit at a table next to eachother with Daniel on the desk in front of us
I nudge Kate slightly and point in front of us
"Aww look who's sitting in front of you" I tease
She blushes and hides her face
"Why Don't you just admit to liking him?" I whisper so no one else hears
"Because I don't like him" She replies still blushing
I shake my head and laugh slightly "Suree"

Kate's prov:
"You're annoying you know that?" I giggle at hope
"Yep I know" she says grinning "but you like him. It's so obvious"
I give her an evil glare and start answering the questions on the board into my book
"Fine" I reply finally
"If I admit to liking him will you stop?"
"Maybe" she replies and we share a quick laugh

Throughout the lesson Daniel kept his role as class clown clear to everyone. He told jokes and was dancing around the classroom all lesson.
He's goofy but it's cute.
Daniel was one of those kids that's semi popular if that makes sense, not in the 'popular group' but not classified as an outsider either

Daniel's prov:
The schools year 10 formal was coming up soon and I want someone to go with and no I don't mean a friend. I mean like a...date. There's one girl in my class that I've been wanting to ask for a while now but I can't work up the confidence to just go up to her and ask. Some people may call me names for that but it's not my fault.

*time skip to break 1*
I get out of class as quickly as I can. I finally came up with a plan and went off to find the girls two best friends Beth and Hope
I find them and stop them quickly so I can explain to them my plan
"Hey guys I'm sorry I stopped your walking but I need to ask for a favor"
They both stare and nod
"It's about your friend Kate. I've liked her for a long time now and have been wanting to ask her to prom and couldn't find the courage until now."
"Omg yess! You two will be so cute." Hope squealed making my laugh slightly
"So, what's the plan?" Hope replied
"Do either of you know what she's doing this afternoon?" I asked
"She'll be working at the cafe near here. Her shift ends at 5" Replied Beth
"Perfect. Okay so my plan is at 5 after she finishes work I'll be waiting at her house with flowers and I huge banner" They nod and I had them both a piece of paper each
"What's this?" Hope says questionably
"My phone number so you two can text me the adress and if she messages either of saying she'll be running late"

*time skip til after Kate's finished work*

Kate's prov;
I finish work as normal and head back to my house
I pull into the driveway and see an unfamiliar car
I jump out of the car and see Beth and Hope waiting for me at my house like usual.
"Hey guys" I smile to them
They both chuckle
"What are you up to?" I ask
The point behind me and I turn to see Daniel wearing a tux with red roses and a banner in his hands. He places the roses down and lifts the banner into the air
"Will you go to the formal with me?" He asks
I almost break into tears from excitement
"Omg, yes!" I run over to him and he pulls me in for a hug as I lay my head against his chest

As we hug I can hear Beth and Hope in the backround
"Aww" they both say in sync
"I ship it. You two will be Kaniel" Hope replies making us all laugh

The end


Apologies if it's horrible

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