Blake x Corbyn- Deep Cuts

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For the past two months Corbyn has been cutting.

His career as a singer and all the hate he was getting for being gay was overwhelming.

It was the only thing that seemed to help relieve stress.

Corbyn sat on a chair in the bathroom. Staring at himself in the mirror with the blade in his right hand as he cut three deep slits into the wrist of his left arm.

He watched the blood drip from his arm as he weeped.

Blake bust through the door shocked. Scaring Corbyn and making him drop the blade. Corbyn tried to hide his arm but was too late.

Blake had already seen it.

Blake ran over to Corbyn and pulled him in for a hug

Corbyn continued to cry into his friends shoulder as they sat there hugging

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Blake asked as tears started streaming down his face

"It's all just been too much. All the hate for being gay, my career.." Corbyn said still sobbing

"Hey..don't cry. I'm here okay" Blake reassured him
"I know it's tough. Dealing with all those people judging you but just remember, no matter what anyone say you are still as amazing as always and we all love you so much."

"..thanks." Corbyn replied wiping his tears away

Blake hesitated for a moment
"Well..if it makes you feel any better, I'm gay too. You're the first person I've told..."

"Really!?" Corbyn replied

"Yes, really." Blake giggled

Corbyn leaned his face closer to Blake's and stared into his eyes with a smile. "I guess that makes this a whole lot easier then"

Corbyn leaned in and kissed Blake passionately.

They released from the kiss and left the bathroom holding hands moving into the loungeroom

The two boys sat on the lounge togeather and began kissing once again.

"I love you Corbyn...I always have. I just never knew how to tell you. I was scared of how people would judge me. I'm not afraid of what people will say anymore, because I love you. I love you so much." Blake confessed

"I love you too Blake" Corbyn replied cheerfully

"Just promise me that next time you are thinking about doing something like that to yourself tell me first so I can talk you out of it."

"Okay my baby boy"

Corbyn and Blake spent the rest of the afternoon snuggling up on the couch.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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