Chapter 10

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Making an attempt to shelter myself from the rain I pushed the hood of my sweater over my head. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my shorts and hurriedly walked to get out of the rain. I looked down disappointedly at my once white Converse. Now they were covered in mud. It was so sunny when I left home.

I paused, checking I had the right house. Then I proceeded to the front door and knocked. Calum answered.

"Oh Hazel. Nice to see you again."

A pang of sadness shot through me. Calum used to call me Hazel Francessca. Now I was just plain old Hazel again. "Hey, um I think I left my glasses here and I kinda can't read stuff that well without them."

"Oh yeah they should be upstairs. Come in."

"Um, I'm kinda soaking wet so I don't want to dirty your carpet or anything..."

"No, no. Don't be silly. You can't stand out in the rain! Come in."

I followed him inside the house.

"Calcal who was at the door?" someone asked in a sing song voice.

"It's one of my friends," Calum said hesitantly.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps bounding down the stairs. She skidded into the room and smiled. She looked like Calum but they weren't exactly the same.

"I'm Mali. Calum's sister. You must be Hazel right?" she said.

"Yeah... I am..."

"Nice to finally meet you. Calum's said a lot about you."

Calum grabbed my arm. "How about we go look for those glasses aye?" he said with a forced smile.

I nodded limply and allowed myself to be pulled through the house.

"Sorry about that," Calum said as we entered his room.

"Erm... it's ok," I said, not really sure what he was sorry for.

We both stood there awkwardly. It was weird. Things had never been awkward between Calum and I before. This level of awkwardness was new.

"Um, my glasses," I said, pointing towards his desk.

"Oh right." He picked them up. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I unfolded the arms and put the glasses on my nose. The world became marginally clearer. We both continued to stand there.

"Um maybe I should go..." I pointed towards the door, and turned to head off.

"No. Hazel wait. It's still pouring rain outside. And you're soaking wet. Here go have a shower. You're freezing.

"Nah. I'm alright. I'll just see myself out."

"Hazel Francessca, you're shivering."

I looked down at my hands and realised that I was in fact shivering.

I smiled. "Which way's the bathroom?"


I ruffled my hair with the towel and slipped into Calum's hoodie. My own sweater was still soaking wet so Calum leant me this one. It was funny how much it smelt like him. Not that I took a lot of notice of how he smelt. I squeezed my hair and watched the water drip from it.

I threw the towel so that it hung on the shower and walked back to Calum's room.

"Nice singing," he said as I entered the room.


"You were singing whilst you were in the shower."

Holy crap. I blushed and turned bright red.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. You were actually really good. Like really really good," Calum stated.

"Naw. Thanks but you flatter me."

"No I'm being honest. With a voice like that how come you don't do music?"  

I shrugged. "Just wasn't interested. Hey look I better get going now. Mum might be getting worried."

"Ah yeah okay. Hey come round tomorrow and pick up your sweater because it's still in the dryer."

"Thanks. So I'll see you tomorrow?" I said walking towards the door.

"Yeah see you tomorrow." Calum gave me a kiss on the cheek and waved at me as I walked down the street and back home.  

A/N: HELLO! WOOO! 2 chapters in one day! I hope you guys are liking this stuff becuase no one's saying that it's terrible! So what do you guys think? Do you like it? Anyone want to have a guess as to what is going to happen next? ANd just another massive thank you to everyone who's reading this fic! And yeah you know the drill. Tell me what you did and didn't like down there in that comment box. More chapters coming soon! :) xx 

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