Chapter 30

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I sighed and flopped onto my bed. I looked at the open text books and the endless pages of study notes that were scattered around my room. That's right. It was exam time. Again. My mirror was covered in sticky notes, reminding me of little facts that I would need in the test.

I always left studying until the last minute and somehow I always managed to top the class. But this time, I'd studied less than usual and I was frkkaing out. Of course I could have been studying right at that moment but I wasn't bothered.

That was my problem. I wanted to study but I had no motivation. And I'm easily distracted. And Twitter seems so much more interesting when you should be doing something else.

I reached for my laptop and opened it up, deciding to spend the rest of my day scrolling through my Tumblr dashboard. My blog was a mix of everything really. Vintage punk fashion. Grunge. Harry Potter. Doctor Who. I sat there reblogging pictures and posts and what not. Then something caught my eye. A little red notification telling me I had a message!

Clicking into it, I found that it was an anon. It read: "Quit reblogging pictures of Hayley Williams and The Beatles and start studying for geography."

I was confused. I hadn't posted anything about my exam and I'd never given anyone from school my URL. I typed back. "Who is this?"  

Within seconds I'd gotten another anon.

"Someone who enjoys playing with your head."

That got me really angry. If there was something I couldn't stand, it was people messing with me over the internet. I typed a long, colourful response.

I waited for another anon but I didn't get one. Instead my phone buzzed, claiming that I had a text from Calum. It read: "Ouch that hurt. All I was trying to do was make you study :("

At first I didn't nderstand, then it clicked. Calum had sent me the anon. I didn't even know that he knew I had Tumblr. I texted him back. "Come over and we can study together."

Before I knew it Calum was banging on my bedroom door. Mum must have let him into the house.

"Hellllloooooooooooooo," I said imitating Marcus Butler, a British Youtuber who I thought was absolutely hilarious.

Calum shot me a funny glance and I just laughed it off.

"What have you studied so far?" he asked, sitting down behind me and setting his chin and my shoulder.

"You want the truth?"

I could feel him nod.

"Nothing," I answered. "It's just one of those days were I can't concentrate and the... the um... the trouble I have with reading doesn't help." Calum and I never spoke about my dyslexia. He knew that I was uncomfortable talking about such things so we always skirted around it in conversation.

"Maybe you just need a break?" suggested Calum.

"I've been having 'breaks' all day! But hey I guess one more can't hurt, can it?"

Calum pulled me back so that I was leaning against him and he hoisted up my laptop.

As he was clicking into my pictures I protested. "No! Don't go into there! But my pleas went unnoticed. Calum clicked into the folder and was greeted with a whole bunch of embarassing photos. He opened the folder called 'Hearts Desire' and whistled.

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Hazel Francessca, these photos are amazing."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be stupid. They're just some random photos that I took. They're nothing."

"You can sing. You're smart. You'r good at photography. You're funny. I don't think I could have asked for a better girlfriend."

"Naw. Well you're not too bad yourself you know," I replied. I had turned to Calum and couldn't ee what he was doing on the laptop.

"Hey... Hazel... Who's this?" he asked pointing to the screen.

I blushed. "That's Marcus Butler. He's a famous Youtuber and he's definitely my favourite! How cute is he? Look at those rosey cheeks!"

Calums face dropped and I instantly regretted what I had said.

"No, no, no. That's not what I meant. And he's all over the other side of the world and I look at him more as a brother and not like a boyfriend and I love you more than I love him."

Calum laughed. "Babe, I know. Don't worry. I trust you."

I sighed in relief and smiled. I leant into Calum allowing him to kiss me on the forehead.

There was a knock at the door and Mum walked in. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were tear streaked.

"Hazel, there's someone to see you."

"Send them up," I smiled.

"Hazel, I think you should come down," her eyes darted towards Calum and then back to me.

"Calum stay here. I'll be back in a moment."

"Maybe I'll just leave..." Calum trailed off.

"Don't be silly. Just stay up here. I won't be long," I said following Mum downstairs. I kept my head down as I followed Mum into the front room.

I lifted my eyes and found myself face to face with someone I never thought I'd see in a million years.

"It's so good to see you, little sister." 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the delay! I've been studying -.- so I haven't had time to upload! I might not be uploading much over the next couple of weeks because of more exams but when I'm finished, I assure you there will be heaps of new chapters! And yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter :D 

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