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Do you ever feel like you just don't belong anywhere? Like no matter how hard you try to fit in with everyone else you still don't 'fit in'? And you feel like everyone hates you?

My names Y/n Pan son and I'm the son of Peter Pan and Tinker-Bell (don't ask how it was possible)

I go to Auradon Prep (more like Bore-adon Prep if you ask me). Everyone there looks the same and acts the same, so no wonder I stick out from the rest.

I always wished something or someone would come to this school and shake things up and my wish was granted. Four villain kids came to our school last year and everything has been different since.

I'm still an outsider compared to everyone else but I now have some really good friends understand many of the troubles I have faced. I still get bullied a lot but they help stop the bullies.

I've been bullied by people ever since I started at Auradon Prep. Lots of people bully me because I'm from Neverland and they don't seem to like anyone from Neverland or anyone whose been to Neverland. People have called me insane and a druggie because they think people from Neverland or have been to Neverland imagine most of the weird stuff which is there. I have also been called a fag because I lived with lots of guys all of my life.

I don't get this whole good and bad thing, I never have understood it. It's all a load of bullshit to me because someone could have stole one thing and they would be sent to the isle and if a person who for example is a prince was to kill someone everyone would just think it's fine when in reality it's not.


Y/n's alarm rings loudly throughout the room indicating its time for time to get up. Y/n groans as he rolls over to turn the alarm off. "Fuck this" he slurs out as he gets up and walked over to his bathroom to start getting ready for the day. He splashed him face with water to try and wake him up properly because he had ended up falling asleep properly at around 5:30am because he kept waking up due to nightmares. Y/n decides that he's going to have a shower because he probably reeked if sweat because of him waking up after each nightmare in a pool of sweat.

Y/n strips out of his night clothes then gets into the shower and starts it. The water pores onto his head and rolls down his back as he stands there lost in his thoughts. "Would anyone care if I just didn't show up in my classes today?" he thinks "Would anyone care if I didn't show up ever again?" He shakes those thoughts out of his head as he started to clean him self.

After fifteen minutes of being in the shower he finally gets out and wraps a towel around his waist. He dries himself off then gets changed into his normal school outfit. He brushes his teeth and fixes his hair then heads out the door of his dorm room ready to face all of the bullies again.

~Sorry it's a bit short I'll try and make the next chapter a bit longer also don't be shy to comment if I've made any mistakes in my grammar or spelling or if something I've wrote doesn't make sense.~

~Ghostly Rat~

~My Little Fairy~ [HARRY HOOK  X  MALE READER]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن